Friday, September 4, 2009

Russell Crowe wins duelling bikes!

Dear All

Russell Crowe, the movie star famous for his heroic roles in Gladiator and Master and Commander threw down the gauntlet when mocked by an Australian newspaper columnist.

His choice of weapon as the aggrieved party was the ordinary two wheel bicycle.

Annette Sharp let rip in print when a picture of him smoking and eating during a bike ride appeared.

Sydney's Daily Telegraph’s banner headline was, "smokes and fatty foods the fitness regime for Rusty".

This prompted the Gladiator star to challenge Annette Sharp to a 12-mile (19.3km) race through the city.

She accepted the challenge and the early morning duel was on. In order to preserve a record of the duel it was video by the paper.

In order to show that Mr. Crowe had the needle in; he quipped by telling Ms. Sharp she is better on a bike than Baz Luhrmann, an Australian director;

“He holds the record for the worst cycling tourist we've ever taken for a ride; you are twice the man Baz Luhrmann is on a bicycle."

“Twice the man”!

During the frantic race to save her honour, Ms Sharp was seen to be struggling throughout before disaster struck and she fell off crashing to the ground.

She later penned;

"I was sliding exuberantly down the track when, with a thump, I came off the seat and landed painfully on the crossbar”.

On reflection she added;

"When you make a living throwing stones you expect that one day someone is going to lob one back. This was that day."

I assume she washed her face before writing this epitaph.

So, with honour satisfied; I guess Russell Crowe left the field of victory for a pie, a pint and a smoke!

Well done Russell.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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