Monday, September 14, 2009

Nicola Sturgeon takes on Harris Tweed Rednecks without a banjo!

Dear All

There is a saying, ‘never a dull moment’.

It seems that Nicola Sturgeon has a challenge on her hands as the people of Kinloch Rannoch in Perthshire refuse to abandon their three-and-a-half-year fight for out-of-hours GP cover.

Well done for sticking to their guns but the question to be asked is it practical?

The SNP are a listening government but resources are scarce and sometimes communities have to share.

Anyway in true get up and go the residents this afternoon take the battle to the annual review of NHS Tayside which should be a lively affair.

Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon, will chair the meeting in Forfar and be put on the spot by the residents.

As part of their case, Campaigners will point to Jura, as an example where the health board gave money to the islanders to find doctors willing to provide 24-hour cover but then Jura is an island not best served by road links.

And the protest also has a legal aspect as letters from solicitors representing the community and paid for by Viscount Monckton bounced across Nicola Sturgeon’s desk.

So, is there room to manoeuvre well possibly yes, the cost of £556,876 for providing the GP service Kinloch Rannoch seems a bit high from the Health Board.

Certainly that figure is open to question.

Having looked at their location; these people are off the beaten track and the population isn’t exactly high, 600 residents.

It would I feel impractical to provide the service that the residents would like under the circumstances.

In my opinion; I would have to turn down their request; I would do so based on the roads infrastructure as not supporting their request.

Unfortunately you can’t please everyone and sometimes people can’t always get what they want.

I would suggest that the Health Minister explains tactfully the answer is no.

Then invest in a set of ear plugs.

If you want to stay out in the boonies then you have to accept that urban services are not available in depth as the big city!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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