Sunday, September 13, 2009

Labour Government spit in the faces of Yvonne Fletcher's family

Dear All

The Libyan killer of a British policewoman will never be brought to justice because of a secret deal by the Labour Government.

In other words big money is more important to the people of Britain.

The Labour Party has been bought and sold by Libyan Gold, in this case black gold.

The Foreign Office caved to Libyan pressure and abandoned any attempt to try the murderer of WPC Yvonne Fletcher to stand trial.

The shooting of WPC Yvonne Fletcher was one of the highest profile murders of a Police Officer in Britain.

It was cold blood murder, were she had no chance to defend herself.

She was shot outside the Libyan embassy in London 25 years ago but the campaign for justice for her is still on going.

Now; we find that Anthony Layden, Britain’s former ambassador to Libya, signed the agreement with the Libyan government three years ago to give up efforts.

At the time Britain was negotiating trade deals worth hundreds of millions of pounds with Libya and the Labour Government was prepared to abandon the people of Britain over money.

The Labour Party is the party of greed and big business.

The Foreign Office said the deal had been sealed in an exchange of ambassadors’ letters in 2006 andmade this comment;

“The Fletcher family know all this and have not considered it to be a big issue.”

That turned out to be a lie.

Queenie Fletcher, mother of Yvonne, said she had not been told about a deal;

“They should have informed us. We were never told they’d agreed to this. No, never”.

When Daniel Kawczynski, a Tory MP met David Miliband, the foreign secretary with a member of the Fletcher family to discuss the murder, Miliband told them nothing about the deal.


Was it because he hoped that it wouldn’t come out?

Or was it; he just couldn’t be bothered?

Either way; this shows that the Labour Government cannot be trusted in public office, the sooner there is a General Election the better.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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