Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labour controlled Glasgow City Council accused of maladministration

Dear All

Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell runs the clapped out administration of Labour controlled Glasgow City Council.

It goes from one disaster to another regularly.

Now, a formal complaint of maladministration has been laid at his door about the failed plans for a treetop adventure playground in Pollok Park.

Pollok Park was gifted to the City in trust for use by the people from the Maxwell family.

The Labour Party simply broke that trust by wanting to allow a totally inappropriate adventure playground in the peaceful park.

Pollok Park is one of the jewels in the Glasgow Parks department because it incorporates Pollok House and the Burrell museum.

As with all consultation exercises by Labour Council; the voice of the people was simply ignored, as big business dazzled the council.

Now Campaigners have taken the Council to task and wants disclosure all its correspondence on the scheme under the Freedom of Information Act.

Go Ape luckily for the people abandoned plans in June to build an attraction close to the Burrell Collection.

Save Pollok Park campaign member, Bill Fraser in a letter to Council Chief Executive George Black, wrote;

"We believe the way this project was handled by different council service departments amounts to incompetence and therefore falls within the definition of maladministration”.

Strong words from Mr. Fraser.

This is not the first time that the ‘bin laden’ Council has been accused of ignoring people, in the consultation of the Schools closures programme, 96% of the public voted against it.

They were simply ignored.

Glasgow City Councils uses consultations to be seen to be doing the right thing but they are just going through the motions but the reality is they don’t care.

In typical arrogant fashion a Glasgow City Council spokesman said;

"We are perfectly content with the way in which we handled the Go Ape proposal."

But the public aren’t!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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