Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Adeel Ayub's debut movie may throw his arse in jail.

Dear All

Every now and then a man comes to the fore that surprises us all.

Enter Adeel Ayub, a complete arsehole who used to work at Asda in the Fulwood area of Preston.

Ayub is multi talented, during his debut in the movies, he is seen;

1/ Urinating in a toilet bin

2/ Slashing furniture and colleague's coats in the staffroom

3/ Setting off a fire extinguisher

4/ Filming firefighters responding to a false alarm

5/ Playing cricket and football with stock

6/Poking his fingers in, stamping on and licking an uncooked chicken

7/ Smashing boxes of eggs in the stockroom

As well as a film star in his own right; he stands a good chance of being a convict too now his debut film has hit the small screen.

A spokesman for Asda said;

“We are absolutely disgusted and appalled by the behaviour of this man”.

Inspector Jameel Murtza of the local Plob;

“We are currently in the process of reviewing CCTV footage of the incident. We are liaising with the management at Asda with the aim of identifying any criminal offences that have taken place.”

Viewing the video, there are plenty to keep a jury happy that they are sending the right person up the river.

Ayub obviously upset someone because his debut movie was left anonymously in a brown envelope at the front desk of a local newspaper that passed it to Asda.

So what is the good news?

The video has so many criminal offences that a prison sentence is possibly and definitely on the cards. Calling out the Fire services on a hoax is a serious offence worthy of a three month spell in the pokey!

Adeel Ayub was on decent money while he worked at Asda, night shift pays about £9.00 an hour from what I have read and on top of that the staff gets a discount card on their purchases of food etc.

Some people are so ungrateful, ignorant and stupid.

This again highlights my point of broken Britain, where entire sections of society have sheered away from common decency to act in effect like pigs.

I shop at my local Asda and the staff is very nice and helpful.

Yours sincerely

George LairdThe Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. So well said. Give Abdul some raw pork and chicken in jail, I am sure he will like it!

  2. I hope they explore the option of sending him home to Pakistan.

    But as usual, the Labour government has probably already given him a passport.

  3. Lofty bye, sweet chum :)
