Thursday, August 20, 2009

William Bain throws his hat into the ring at Glasgow North East

Dear All

I was looking back through my posts and realised that I haven’t done a post on William Bain, the Labour Candidate for the Glasgow North East by-election.

So who is William Bain?

Willie Bain is a 36 year old University Lecturer who works in London South Bank University, London.

He is being portrayed by the Labour Party as a “local candidate” even although he works 400 miles away in London.

As to his bio on his website; he is surprising secretive, not open and transparent by any means as you would expect a person standing for public office to be.

This secretive approach even extends to his details at London South Bank University.

If you want a laugh have a look at this;

William Bain is so concerned about knife crime and people; he stares directly into the camera in this staged photo op.

In the movies, this is called “breaking frame”, letting the audience know that you are watching them.

So, we now know that a petition on knife crime was organised for him because he is standing for election.

Where was his concern before?

If you google him you; will see that until he was selected Bain never put his money where his money was, in speaking out for Springburn.


There are other reasons why William Bain should not get elected, principally why didn’t he speak out about why the Constituency Office of Michael Martin wasn’t in the community?

Can he explain why the Constituency Office wasn’t open to the public?

Can he explain why he thought this was acceptable?

So other than staged photo calls, what does William Bain stand for?

No one knows and he doesn’t say on his website.

Does this sound like a man who is committed to public service or is it a man who wants to inherit the Martin Fiefdom?

Will Mr. Bain open an office in Springburn to the public?

Again no one knows because I suspect that other than the money and perks; he doesn’t really stand for anything other than himself.

And he should have a pretty good idea of how to feather his nest; Michael Martin was one of the best at it in Westminister.

The only hope for real change is for the people of Glasgow North East to elect David Kerr, the SNP Candidate.

He will open a public office that will be accessible to all the residents and staffed by experienced case workers.

Finally; to show how petty the Labour Party can be on William Bain website here is a quote by them because the SNP on a leaflet never put David Kerr's name or picture on it;

"By contrast, Labour's Willie Bain appears on all Labour's by-election materials including letters, leaflets, surveys and emails".

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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