Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tory, Ruth Davidson throws her hat into the ring at Glasgow North East

Dear All

It was only a matter of time but the Tories have decided to field a candidate in the Glasgow North East seat.

The Scottish Conservatives have picked former BBC journalist Ruth Davidson to stand as their 'turkey for the slaughter'.

In an odd statement; Ms Davidson, called on candidates from other parties to "fight a clean and honest campaign".

She must be talking about the Labour Party because the SNP are already honest and will be fighting a clean campaign.

It seems that Ms. Davidson, 30 years old is the second former BBC journalist to stand in this hot seat as the SNP have decided to go with David Kerr.

In a similar tact to the speech of Chloe Smith who recently won the Norwich North seat for the Tories; she said;

"I will begin by pledging to fight an honest campaign".

Hopefully she will finish the campaign the same way!

She further goes stage left by saying;

"Since the controversy over MPs expenses people have lost trust in politics and as a result I think it is important to fight a campaign that engages people rather than turns them off politics”.

She is obviously politically unaware as the SNP does exactly that, they are a public service party.

As a mark of how rattled she is before she has even knocked on a door; this was blurted out;

"We should be focusing on what matters to people in Glasgow North East not on doing each other down by resorting to smears and fears."

Does she know anything about Glasgow Labour Party politics? That is their stock in trade, smears and praying on people’s fears.

Conservative leader David Cameron said;

"It is great that she has pledged to fight a clean and honest campaign. Politics is about winning arguments, not smears and fears. I look forward to coming to the constituency during the campaign and supporting Ruth's challenge."

I wonder if David Cameron knows that when reading off a script he should at least slightly vary it from the candidate says.

So, another has declared, this is shaping up to be a rather interesting little fight.

A word of caution to Ms. Davidson, Hamiltonhill is the wild west and the natives are angry and suspicious of newcomers on their territory.
She should dress light and wear trainers for a quick getaway.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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