Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tory, Alan Duncan caught out whingeing about money

Dear All

Give them enough rope and they hang themselves every time.

Tory MP; Alan Duncan has blabbed about his deep unhappiness.

What is he unhappy about this multi millionaire?

His pay packet and expenses as an MP, poor boy thinks he is being treated unfairly.

Now he has been caught out whinging about it; he has apologised "unreservedly" after he was secretly filmed of course.

The Tory MP was heard to say MPs were being treated badly and "have to live on rations".

The solution is simple, resign and let someone else stand in your place, not happy, go!

In a back tracking move Mr Duncan said the remarks were meant as a joke.

He said;

"The last thing people want to hear is an MP Whingeing about his pay and conditions."

The BBC having picked up on the story popped round to discuss his unhappiness to be told;

"It is a huge honour to be an MP and my remarks, although meant in jest, were completely uncalled for. I apologise for them unreservedly."

Someone bring a chicken in here?

The guilty film shows the Tory using strong language as he complains MPs have to "live on rations" and get treated badly.

Hold on, didn’t he say it was a joke?

Mr Duncan on the House of Commons terrace went on to say;

"No one who's done anything in the outside world or is capable of doing such a thing will ever come into this place ever again the way we're going. Basically it has been nationalised. You have to live on rations and you are treated like shit."

So there you have it, Tories don’t change and I suspect that Mr. Duncan will be one of those fighting to make a better society for him and his clique, the rest of us on low earnings can go whistle.

Somehow; I don’t see Alan Duncan stepping down!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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