Monday, August 24, 2009

Sir Richard Dannatt smear campaign suffers major setback

Dear All

Recently, George Foulkes MSP put in one of his many FOI requests, this time to try and smear one of the highest ranking soldiers in Britain.

General Sir Richard Dannatt, the target of Foulkes however has had the last laugh on him.

In the last four years, Army General Sir Richard Dannatt has claimed less than £20,000 for official entertaining.

I assume that Foukles thinks everyone is as greedy as a Labour MP in the Westminister trough.

As well as Foukles having a pop, a Sunday newspaper obtained details of his expenses through the Freedom of Information Act.

The General has been living very modestly by buying £5-a-head meals from Lidl and Tesco and bottles of wine for £1.49.

What an embarrassment for Foulkes but he doesn’t care as he will probably be plotting his next victim.

An MoD spokesman said;

"As head of the Army, Chief of the General Staff undertakes official hosting and entertaining of both overseas and United Kingdom dignitaries”.

In that regard, I suspect most people would think he would splash out for some good grub instead of meals from Lidl.

He added;

"This is an important part of his remit to assist in the betterment of international relations, to promote the British Army and facilitate a wider public understanding of its role."

I would hope then in future that the budget is raised by a few quid, people like Sir Richard Dannatt deserve it.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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