Sunday, August 30, 2009

Professor Roger Kirby questions the Scottish Government's right to free Al Megrahi

Dear All

So, it starts; the peer review drip drip effect to mock Kenny MacAskill’s decision on freeing Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi.

Professor Roger Kirby has stated that Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi could last as long as another year.

The Justice Minister of Scotland was asked to review a prisoner's case for release on compassionate grounds.

He then made a decision, the correct decision.

Professor Roger Kirby is chairman of the charity Prostate UK and director of The Prostate Centre, London, so what does his intervention mean?

Absolutely nothing, his educated guess on how long Megrahi will live is based on experience but it is still a guess.

So if Megrahi dies sooner rather later, will Professor Roger Kirby be left with "egg on his face"?

Given the realm that Kirby works in, surely playing games based on how long Megrahi will last is nonsense, is this to raise his profile?

Does he have a book coming out?

Or is it just an Englishman holding Scottish law and Justice in contempt?

Megrahi is due to re-start chemotherapy, which could give him additional time but the bottom line is; he is dying and it isn’t going to get any better.

Is Kirby thinking that now Megrahi is released he shouldn’t try to prolong his life?

Surely Kirby realises that the most basic wish of a person is their survival?

What Kirby does highlight is that even among highly educated doctors; they still can’t agree even among themselves.

In response to Kirby’s take on events the SNP Scottish government said;

"It was the conclusion of the report submitted by the Scottish Prison Service Director of Health and Care that The clinical assessment is that a three-month prognosis is now a reasonable estimate for this patient.' This view is based upon an analysis of all of the views expressed and the consensus of the medical experts."

Finally; although medical evidence played a major part in the release of Megrahi, this was a justice matter out with his sphere of knowledge.

Scotland is a completely different country to England.


Whether as it was right to release him from custody, it was totally wrong to allow him to leave the country.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Prostate UK

    The Prostrate Centre

    Who funds these two organisations; no not the penny ha'penny donations?

    Are they in receipt of Government money to aid raise the awareness of prostrate cancer; or will they be soon?

  2. Dear Billygoat

    I think you can bank on there being UK Government channelled towards his centre either directly or via third parties.

    The question is what is his agenda?

    Is he doing for a third party?

    If so, whom?

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
