Friday, August 14, 2009

Police stage Great Granny Raid at wrong address

Dear All

It seems Police professionalism has further slipped by the Great Granny raid of Peebles.

Police have had to apologise to a great-grandmother after they carried out a bungled drugs raid on her home.

Margaret Hogarth, 75, of Peebles, in the Scottish Borders isn’t your typical suspect in the world of the Columbian Drug Cartels.

She is an old dear with a dug!

Having smashing in her front door to gain access to her one-bedroom flat they realised they had gone to the wrong address.

Very poor general management and map reading!

Lothian Borders Police have described this farce as a "regrettable incident" and also thanked Mrs Hogarth for her "understanding".

Six police officers with poor map reading skills carried out the raid on the widow's home at the weekend.

At 75, Mrs. Hogarth isn’t as fast on her feet as she used to be and before she could find her keys they used a battering ram to smash it open.

The most interesting thing is that before the Police smashed up the place, a neighbour told them the flat was occupied by an elderly lady with a dog. You would think at that point that someone with limited intelligence would have the brains to do a quick check.

Mrs Hogarth said;

"I almost had a heart attack”.

Which given the circumstances is entirely possible.

She added;

"There was an awful mess and my dog was upset”.

Upsetting a wee dug, outrageous state of affairs!

Lothian and Borders Police spokeswoman said;

""We assigned a police officer to stay with her for three hours until the door was boarded up and will pay for the damage.”

And a bit of compensation wouldn’t go a miss either.

It seems that everything at Lothian and Borders Police is not as it seems, can’t read a map, can’t accept warnings and can’t think independently.

Hopefully they can still tell the public the time!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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