Friday, August 14, 2009

Paedophile, Richard Coverdale outed by his burglars

Dear All
Crime stories have always interested me since I was a child watching movies, so this story has a certain value in today’s corrupt society.
Unhappy burglars unknowingly broke into the house of a padeophile to ransack the place and made off with his laptop.
After switching on the Laptop to see what was on it; they discovered buried in the computer drive child pornography, 78 illegal images of which 13 were stills and 65 'movies'.

So being slightly upstanding citizens they tipped off the Police about the computer and its whereabouts.
This led Police to knock on Richard Coverdale’s door and request a quiet word in his ear.
At his trial Richard Coverdale, of Redcar was jailed for three-and-a-half years and banned from working with children for life.
Acting Detective Sergeant Chris Stone said;
“Whilst they (burglars) were carrying out an offence themselves, it is commendable that they did the right thing and this in turn has helped bring a serious offender to justice.”
It must be one of the most bizarre cases ever to pop up on the horizon of Cleveland Police.
Tom Mitchell,; Coverdale’s lawyer put in what only can be described as a piece of mitigation by saying;
“the crime against the girl was 'remote' because it was conducted through an electronic medium”.
Nice try but that doesn’t wash in cases such as this where his client was pro-actively seeking out victims.
Tom Mitchell added;
“that she was not deprived of control and was able to switch it off”.
After the event!
Judge Brian Forster QC said;
“children should be safe using the internet for education and entertainment, and people had to be deterred from similar offending”.
He should have made it five years then.
Coverdale has been banned from working with children for life and is to be served with a sexual offences prevention order.
As to the burglars; 38-year-old man and a 20-year-old woman; they received 12-month community orders regarding the stolen laptop.
It seems that on occasion even burglars have certain standards!
Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. George

    Coverdale should be tossed in jail and the key thrown away.

    Judge Forresters sentance is a joke.

    Well done the two burglars
