Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Labour MP, James Purnell's flat shock!

Dear All

We are all a bit mucky in the house sometimes but former Cabinet Minister James Purnell has left his taxpayer-funded second home “looking like a pigsty”!

More than that he claimed more than £1,600 for cleaning and repairs and it still looks like a squat.
The Work and Pensions Secretary has abandoned a smart, £1,820-a- month apartment with wine stains on the wall, a grimy kitchen, rusty sink and filthy carpets according to his landlord.

After Purnell flew the coup from the tenancy a bitter exchange of legal letters between his solicitor and the landlord’s lawyers over unpaid bills amounting to £4,000 then ensued.

In one exchange of letters Mr Purnell’s lawyers admitted the flat had not been properly cleaned when he left.

A gross understatement of the facts!

Being a ‘socialist hero’, Mr Purnell did not submit receipts for the cleaning and repairs as he was not required to do so for expenses coming to less than £250 until last year.

Take the money and run Purnell.

When he done a runner from his midden, a three-piece suite was found in the flat despite claiming a further £1, 541 in second home furniture allowance between 2004 and 2008.

Naturally, the taxpayer funded £2,520 deposit was used by the landlord to pay a £2,587.25 decoration and repair bill.

It is alleged that he still owes According documents obtained by the Sunday Express he still owes £1,523.12, including £910.63 for alarm repairs, £307.74 for cleaning, £47.50 inventory charges and £190.00 for changing the locks.

Gosh that boy knows how to spend other people’s cash!

Mr Purnell, 38, MP for Stalybridge and Hyde in Greater Manchester is a bachelor and judging by the photos of the flat, a dirty one!

What in the name of God is that brown stain in the sink?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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