Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Labour controlled Glasgow City Council to introduce unfriendly family working conditions on manual staff.

Dear All

Yet again Labour controlled Glasgow City Council plunges its citizens into a “winter of discontent” by treats its workers with total contempt.

This time they mean to do this by forcing new working conditions on its employees in cleansing and the park service.

In what I presume is a phoney show of support Councillors within the ruling Labour group at the City Chambers may refuse to cross picket lines.

It has been leaked that there may be "a crisis of conscience" amongst those trade unionists in Labour's city council ranks.

This is obviously a plant story to attempt to show that there is some ‘moral conscience’ among the Labour rabble who are crapping on its own workers.

Steven Purcell has let it be known that he will not tolerate any dissent on this issue by stating that if any Labour Councillors threaten to resign that;

"the authority would be better off without them"!

Tough talk from a man who was so gutless by his refusal to act in the Chyrnside Community Centre scandal in which ordinary citizens lives were put at stake.

In order to try and break the threatened strike Glasgow City Council has been working on contingency plans including leafleting households about putting refuse skips at the end of streets.

The strike which is due to begin on Monday has the hallmarks of possibly being quite a lengthy and nasty affair.

I have been told that some staff have been moved because they are unable to do four days on and four days off but it should be noted that these people have been placed in jobs were they have had to take a pay cut.

That tells you everything you need to know about Labour controlled Glasgow City Council.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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