Friday, August 21, 2009

Glasgow City Council needs to end the celebration of bigotry parades

Dear All

In Scotland, an industry has been established that needs to be killed off.

It is the “sectarian industry” set up to keep the people of Scotland divided along religious lines, Protestants against Catholics.

For many people, the sectarian industry doesn’t in anyway affect their lives but it is a running sore across the entire country which the Labour Party use to make sure that people understand they have to be “managed” for their good.

In Glasgow, the apex of religious divide is defined by two groups, the Protestant Loyal Order and Irish Republican parades.

Both these groups have no place in a modern Scotland.

Each of them celebrates one thing only at their hearts, bigotry.

What is complete ridiculous is that Glasgow hosts more bigotry parades than Northern Ireland's two biggest cities combined Belfast and Londonderry.

Now Glasgow City Council is allegedly planning to take steps in order to curtail these parades and place the burden of cost of Policing on them.

In fact Glasgow City Council should have the courage to ban these marches completely, but I suspect that these parades will continue in a limited form.

It has been suggested that Glasgow City Council is considering a reduction of 90% of these marches which will be a good start.

Once these parades are gone from Scotland’s streets then the sectarian industry that has grown up around them can be finally killed off.

That day cannot come soon enough for Scotland.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. George

    As an avid reader of the George blogs I find myself in complete agreement with your views on stopping these,so called parades.

    For years Glasgow City Council have supported these walks paid for the policing, allowed the use of public parks and even paid for the litter to be removed.

    These sectarian walks only further the religious bigotry in Scotland and have no place in a modern Scotish society.

    Scottish polititians apear to avoid this topic totaly as it may lose them votes. It is time for Scottish parlement to stand up against bigotry and put this issue to rest.
