Friday, July 31, 2009

"I'm not particularly bright", admits Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth

Dear All

In the tradition of tell us something that we don’t know Bob Ainsworth, the Defence Secretary has admitted he is not particularly intelligent and claimed he is discriminated against because of his accent and moustache.

I have to agree with his assessment because after admitting he is gormless, clueless and a liability; he still hasn’t resigned from his post.

As to intelligence; he can learn and if he has access to a razor he can shave off his moustache.

I struggle to see how Bob Ainsworth saying he has intellectual 'weaknesses' helps British Troops who are fighting and dying on foreign soil.

Is it he wanted them to know their troubles stem from him being backwards, lacking moral fibre and dumb as shit?

I can’t see that being a comfort to troops being shelled and under small arms fire.

In his outpourings he gets worse;

“I have strengths and I have weaknesses”.

He is probably a terrific car parker in tight corners.

“I don't pretend to be able to write a great thesis or doctorate - I have no pretensions in that direction”.

Just as well, a few trees saved as I would expect plenty rewrites coming his way if he ever pens to paper.

“But I'll tell you what I do have, I have a good feel for ordinary people, for politics, and those are my strengths”.

Well, if anyone has a housing problem then Ainsworth your man, a slimmer version that John Prescott who was famed for playing the ‘daft workie come good’ character in the House of Commons. Prescott was removed from every department he ran, no guesses for what for.

“I understand, I hope instinctively, where many of our Armed Forces come from.”

I do too; they come from’ I don’t want to get shot dead and blown up’ street.

In order to generate a sympathy vote he goes way over the top by making these statements;

“I don't try to pretend I am cleverer than a general or the Chief of the Defence Staff.”

“I speak with a Midlands accent. I drop my aitches”.

“I suffer with an asthmatic-related condition that means I speak with a gravelly voice”.

“I have a moustache that some people appear to take offence to”.

In fight back mode; Ainsworth blamed the UK public for ignoring the plight of servicemen and women as they were sent to fight on two fronts by Tony Blair.

Obviously Ainsworth missed the massive demonstrations against the invasions, perhaps he thought the large crowds protesting were going to pop concerts.

As the icing on the cake Bob Ainsworth says;

“We failed Armed Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan”.

Well Bob; you can make a start and put in a letter of resignation and let someone more competent take up the position and fight tooth and nail to ensure our troops are fully protected and get everything they need.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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