Monday, June 29, 2009

Tom Harris, Labour MP lets fear of losing seat get the better of him!

Dear All

If things could get any worse; Tom ‘Bomber’ Harris does it again and puts his foot in his mouth.

Harris; a Labour MP has likened Gordon Brown to one of his party's most unsuccessful and socially inept leaders. Tom Harris has really burnt his bridges by saying that Labour under Brown is similar to Labour under Michael Foot who went on led his party to electoral oblivion.

This treachery by Harris prompted a member of his local party to try to table a motion of no confidence in him. The motion wasn’t successful as narrow majority of activists voted it down but it opens up the scale of future bitter infighting within the local branch as Brownites will be after blood.

Tom Harris, MP for Glasgow South has called on the Prime Minister to quit earlier this month as ministers quit the government in droves. In a letter to local Labour Apparatchiks, Harris repeated this treachery to no doubt garner their support.

In the European Elections, Glasgow South was lost to the SNP in the popular vote so perhaps Harris is trying to reconnect to an electorate that has turned his back on him. This is obviously the act of a desperate man in desperate who is wonder if he will have a future after the next General Election.

As an aside Harris has been naughty in breaking House of Commons rules which are quite firm; "Neither the Communications Allowance nor House stationery, including pre-paid envelopes, can be used for personal benefit or for party political activities or campaigning."

Harris as regulars who view his blog know likes to preach on responsibility but that is obviously a one way street!

It seems that Tom ‘Bomber’ Harris is looking at being bombed out by a sizeable bulk of the local branch come election time.

Finally, what is most amusing is that although ‘Bomber’ Harris likes others to hear his version of free speech; he practices censorship on his blog.

Is this another example of him being a hypocrite?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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