Wednesday, June 24, 2009

MPs to face Fines and Prison for being corrupt.

Dear All

Shock horror, MPs who knowingly make a false allowance claim could be put in the clink for up to a year. I suppose that would make it terribly difficult to hold surgeries and do house visits.

As with any piece of legislation the important thing is to look at is the gaps were you could drive a bus through it without scrapping the paint work.

“The Parliamentary Standards Bill sets up a new code of conduct for MPs, an independent watchdog that could recommend they repay money and/or are expelled, and a special investigator to probe alleged rule breaches”.

I could be the Special Investigator but I suspect that job will be farmed out to a senior ex Policeman on the Public Honours Unit circuit.

One of the boys to protect the boys!

Under the New Law three new criminal offences will be created, knowingly providing false or misleading information in a claim - up to 12 months in prison or an unlimited fine; failing to comply with the registration rules - a fine of up to £5000 and breaching the ban on paid advocacy - a fine of up to £5000.

There needs to be a fourth offence, those who solicit paid advocacy need hefty fines and imprisonment as well.

It seems that Westminister has decided to copy the same regime that has been put in place at Holyrood.

With an expenses scandal in full swing, it is time for politicians to want to be seen to be tough, what a pity they couldn’t do that before.

The next big scandal waiting in the wings is of course second jobs and particularly how much money Tories are coining in.

William Hague is a poster boy for the Tory second job scandals as his little cottage industry of public speaking is in my opinion, a racket. He has used his MP status to generate financial gain in the after dinner speaker circuit.

Finally; I would like to see MPs paid the same rate as people such as Doctors and have properly audited expenses so that MPs stops the sordid little process of trying to screw the taxpayer and get on with representing the people who voted them in.

The people deserve better.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I'm trying to imagine Hague speaking in my living room after a fine course of pan-fried mince served al dente accompanied by a medley of ASDA price-reduced vegetables drizzled with red-sauce. All washed down with a fine mind-altering 2008 Chateauneuf du Pape Barbe Rac ripe with character and notes of fruit.

    I suppose Hague will tell us of his namesakes butchery in WW-ONE...

  2. Dear Free Thinker

    I shop in Adsa as they do some pretty good deals.

    I don't think Hague would ever shop somewhere cheap or as I say 'cost effective' as me.

    Spam, £0.61 and it tastes okay.

    I can't cook!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
