Thursday, June 18, 2009

Kitty Ussher, Labour MP resigns in disgrace!

Dear All

Kitty Ussher told the taxman that her Burnley home was her “principal residence” for a single month in 2007.

She then sold the property avoided paying Capital Gains Tax and pocketed £17,000 in her sky rocket.

She resigned when confronted with the allegations by a newspaper, The Daily Telegraph.

She has also decided to stand down as an MP at the next Election and will pocket her leaving allowances by exiting stage left.

Every single MP who has been involved in practices like this must be exposed and stand the test of scrutiny by their voters at the ballot box.

Her resignation leaves the way possible for the election of a BNP Candidate as Burnley will be a target area for them.

“A letter from Miss Usher’s accountants sent on Dec 14 2006, said: “I am enclosing a declaration to vary your previous main residence election for a period of one month to [Burnley home] and then back to [London home]”.

In other words a straight forward dodge using the law to acquire an advantage, although this is legal, it shows how corrupt morally she is as a person in public life.

She won’t be missed but her legacy might be a BNP MP sitting in Westminister.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Excellent blog! Good to see you on the interweb. And in non-anonymous mode...

    The Glasgow Herald shot itself when it closed the comments and their website is now dire. I never go there now and only very occasional visit the Scotsman as they delete posts and freeze out commentators who submit reasonable arguments against the Black Nobility and their London Establishment...

    Keep up the revelations...

  2. Dear Free Thinker

    Glad you like it.

    Totally agree with you about the Glasgow Herald.

    I got banned from the Scotsman; I think the University had something to do with it.

    They are keen to shut me down but I have plans to fix that.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
