Friday, June 12, 2009

Hazel Blears, Labour MP, a Rat?

Dear All

Hazel Blears, the treasonous rat was close to tears as she described her antics as 'Stupid, thoughtless and cruel' in the plot she was involved in to topple Gordon Brown.

Blears fired her powder too soon and it backfired.

Now she finds herself adrift and friendless and the voters of Salford aren’t too keen on her either.

It seems everyone hates ‘our Hazel’.

In her hand she holds a cheque for circa £13k which she bumped the Custom and Reveune Service for. In true New Labour style she has agreed to pay back the money after she was caught.

What a star!

She said, “it was important to her what people thought about her”.

Pity that concept never crossed her mind prior to what some might call out and out criminal fraud.

The word on Salford is that the people want to see the back of her and soon enough isn’t quick enough.

Now she knows that help isn’t available and now all teary eyed she wants to be forgiven. This is her ‘Cherie Blair’ moment to garner sympathy, not funny living off an MPs salary is it Hazel?

Despite the fake tears and false forgiveness, she is stuffed, Brownites know she was part of a plot and she is never coming back to government.

Finally, how could she not work out that Brown who is as equally false and shallow as her and backstabbed his way to the top would ever voluntary step down?

Brown’s moral compass is greed, bullying, power and hate. He has no good personal qualities to draw on and would destroy the entire country if he could get an extra day at the helm.

She should start looking for employment opportunities because she is looking at defeat at the ballot box.

It seems that road to unemployment has already started.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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