Sunday, June 21, 2009

Gordon Brown to ask God to join the Cabinet?

Dear All

When the entire country hates you and wants rid of you, it can be a challenge to try and not acknowledge it.

Gordon Brown is now to be interviewed in Downing Street this week by Sally Magnusson, one of the regular presenters of the BBC's popular religious programme, Songs of Praise and will speak about courage and the people who have inspired him!

He is now turning to God to help him out, as if.

God is not expected to make an appearance, Jesus is also unavailable and the Heavenly body of Angels and the Choir won’t come either!

In other words Brown has totally lost the plot rather like Bono did dragging some African guy about to show his charity credentials. As always, the idea is a con for the gullible in the voting population of Middle Britain. This carefully thought-out scam will form part of a "fightback" strategy which will see Brown attempt to put forward a more human image to voters.

We then are expected to forget Brown is a bully, a backstabber and a disloyal human being who lacks empathy for his fellow man.

In order to generate sympathy Brown has said; he could walk away from all this tomorrow.

If that is an offer then he should keep his word!

"I'm not interested in what accompanies being in power. I wouldn't worry if I never returned to those places – Downing street, Chequers... And it would probably be good for my children."

Note; Brown repeatedly says he will not use his children in politics, so the subtext is ‘I am putting the country before my children’. This reminds me of Wendy Alexander Labour MSP who was so unpopular she couldn’t go five feet without children round her; they were her human shield to portray the image that she was likeable.

It didn’t work for her and God won’t work for Gordon Brown.

This comment by him is a cracker; that he was "not very good" at political manoeuvring”.

Is that why he surrounded himself with despicable people to do his dirty work?

He also claimed he could become a teacher after leaving politics.

Do they allow bullies in the teaching profession?

If Gordon Brown is a devout and honest politician, can he explain why he is still taking advice from Damien McBride?

How does his "moral compass", and his "Presbyterian conscience" square with continuing a relationship with one of the most vile and evil men on the political scene of Britain?

Finally; Gordon Brown should call a General Election so that the people of Britain can remove those who have abused the position of being a Westminister MP, that is what his moral compass and Presbyterian conscience should be telling him.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Bang on! Excellent post. And as for God? I can assure all that God desires an Independent Scotland. And following on from that the English, Welsh and Northern Irish can make their choice.

    Broon, his associates and cohorts and those that really control him are all God-haters anyway. 'They' worship the light-bringer... Lucifer. They have indeed sold their souls.


    for an intro...

  2. Dear Free Thinker

    Thanks for that post.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
