Thursday, June 25, 2009

Glasgow Labour Party celebrating proposals to make Glaswegians poorer?

Dear All

Not content with punishing Glaswegians with bad housing, stealth taxes and operating a culture of indifference that would put Mugabe to shame, Glasgow City Council under its leader and wannabe Champagne Socialist, Stephen Purcell wants to make hard working families poorer.

Yes, poorer, no doubt he buys his moral compass from the same store Gordon Brown!

Way to go Purcell, what a hero, Robin Hood in reverse folks.

Labour are proposing a revaluation exercise which would increase Council tax massively which is in sharp contrast to the SNP and their local income tax plans which would help the poorest and allow them to keep more of their money.

In Glasgow alone under SNP proposals 60% of its citizens would be better off.

This idea has so outraged Labour after they have spent so much time and effort in building their gerrymandered Labour Ghettos to pen support and make them part of breadline Scotland.

Every person who leaves the Glasgow Ghettos is a personal humiliation for the Glasgow Labour Party.

Stephen Purcell has ambition; his goal is to become an MSP and then challenge Iain Gray for the leadership of the Holyrood Labour Group.

Why? He can't even run the Council properly; I suspect he wants to follow in the footsteps of Charles Gordon who singlehandedly puts back the cause of the working class every time he speaks.

The poor fool Purcell probably thinks he is the next Jack McConnell; I wonder if he wants to go to Malawi too at taxpayers expense?

Save up for a holiday Purcell like the rest of the population!

The best thing for Purcell is keep boozing in the Station Bar in Yoker and forget about punishing Glaswegians.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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