Saturday, June 27, 2009

Alan Miburn, Labour MP leaves sinking ship!

Dear All

Another good day for the people of Britain and in particular Darlington as Arch Blairite Alan Milburn is to stand down as an MP at the next General Election. Milburn in addition to his role as an MP has five other jobs.

What kind of service does he give his voters?

Milburn who is 51 said he had been considering the decision for 'a long time' and wanted to pursue 'other challenges'.

Or it could mean he knew he was in the firing line for getting slotted by the electorate!

Milburn as a fully paid member of the Brown hate squad has been a constant critic ever since his hero Tony Blair was forced out in a Brownite coup.

They both hate each other with a passion.

An MP for Darlington since 1992; he is announcing his departure so that his local party has time to find a candidate for the next General Election.

Milburn states; 'I am very proud to have served as Darlington's MP since 1992.

I don’t the people will find the feeling mutual as he probably wasn’t around the place with all his other jobs.

As a close ally of Tony Blair, he was tipped as a potential successor as Prime Minister or stop Brown Candidate but in 2003 he abruptly quit, blaming pressure on his family life from working long hours in London.

How big was the pressure when he still kept up another five jobs after leaving Cabinet?

As Milburn is baling out then I would suspect that he has already Directorships lined up so I would think the claim of wanting to find fresh challenges might be a little thin.

Alan Milburn won’t be missed; he was part of a Government that got a lot of innocent people killed in Iraq.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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