Monday, October 22, 2007

The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University blog is all about highlighting injustice and corruption in Britain.

My original intention for this blog was highlight corruption at the University of Glasgow; I found that injustice wasn't just limited to within the walls of the University, so I expanded it.

I spent 20 years of my life at Glasgow University, the way I was treated as a working class person was a disgrace, there are issues relating to that which I won't explain on here. Which is why the blog has the name that it does.

The blog was launched in 2007 but it wasn't until 2009 that I decided to make a go of it and started scribbling away.

It would be too easy to walk away and let the bullies win, so I tend to stand up and speak out, speaking out is a risky business in this country.

Hate comes your way.

Too many people feel that they are forced to remain silent, but this is a false economy, the trouble heading down the line keeps coming.

I hope people enjoy the blog, I try to make serious points combined with humour, and on occasion it can be rather biting.

But then you should reflect on who needs a voice, those who can’t speak out.

I have appeared on TV, Radio and in the press to a small degree and all done without the support of any political party.

The political parties all read my blog. 

On the big issues as well as the small issues I am willing to take a stand, hopefully one day, people will put me into public office to fight for them.

Finally, I keep the University documents that prove my case of ill treatment, so, when I make a claim, it is backed up by the University's own documents obtained through a DSAR. 

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University



  2. Dear Anon

    Thank you support always welcome.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. I wasn't aware there was such abuse of human rights at Glasgow University.

  4. Dear Anon

    You should take the time to read my post;

    'Glasgow University Senior Management involved in institutional bullying, discrimination, harassment, malpractice and criminal fraud'.

    It spells it out very clearly in great detail.

    Who, when and what.

    Take the time to read it and then ask others to visit this site and educate themselves.

    Do the right thing!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  5. I think the previous poster was joking George.

  6. Dear Anon

    They could be, who knows?

    I like to spell the message out and get it out to the masses.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  7. I don't mind supporting this, as long as this isn't a pro-independence blog - I've looked at small independent countries and frankly the human rights get steamrollered over by buisness interests. The fact is - the smaller the country the more willing they are to compromise on basic rights if it will secure them outside support and cash.

    PS. I really have to agree with the previous poster - I didn't realise that Human rights at Glasgow Uni were so under threat. Mabye in Inverness.

  8. I don't mind supporting this, as long as this isn't a pro-independence blog - I've looked at small independent countries and frankly the human rights get steamrollered over by buisness interests. The fact is - the smaller the country the more willing they are to compromise on basic rights if it will secure them outside support and cash.

    PS. I really have to agree with the previous poster - I didn't realise that Human rights at Glasgow Uni were so under threat. Mabye in Inverness.

  9. Dear Anon

    This blog is a Pro independence.

    I support the work the SNP Scottish Government does in helping making Scotland fairer and a better place to live.

    God knows people have precious little to be happy about.

    Another point worth mentioning is that the United Kingdom is big but despite this corruption is rife.

    Have a read of this;

    Thanks for popping by.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  10. Boycott Scotland. Visit Denmark instead.

  11. Dear Anon

    I cannot Boycott Scotland because I live here.

    Scotland is one of the greatest countries in the world.

    If you are upset because of the Megrahi case, then I would like to point out a few facts.

    1/ A witness received money to testify.

    2/ Evidence was withheld from the defence.

    3/ Fabricate evidence was submitted to the court.

    Anyone is entitled to a fair trial, in the case of Al Megrahi, it appears his was rigged.

    Another fact is the decision to release him was on compassionate grounds only.

    The unfortunate thing about his case is that this injustice was not dealt with sooner and he was given a retrial but New Labour ruled Scotland then.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University




    hopefully one day it will be more progressive.

  14. Have the pricks paid back your money yet George?

  15. jings a michty, such abuse! do they torture the students? and do they allow imagination and paranoia to flourish? jings a michty, who could have guessed!! abuse and torture in scottyland.

  16. Good luck i hope you'll win but I reckon your better off getting a stanley blade and ripping the fuck out of their car tyres....authorities always win george

  17. This blog is literally the biggest load of cyber-nat nonsense I have ever read. If you want to take a look at corruption, take a look at the Scottish Government you're so keen to back! By being so partisan you're missing the real issues, which is why this blog has no credibility whatsoever. I hope those reading your posts do so with a bucketful of salt.

  18. Dear Anon

    Thank you for your reply.

    To address your points, such as they are!

    “This blog is literally the biggest load of cyber-nat nonsense I have ever read”.

    I am not a cyber-nat.

    Secondly cyber-nats post anonymously, I do not.

    Thirdly, a cyber-nat never deviates from the SNP line.

    If you read my articles on UK Supreme Court, you will see I didn’t back the SNP view, in all my articles, I stated the legal position.

    And was proved right at every turn.

    “If you want to take a look at corruption, take a look at the Scottish Government you're so keen to back!”

    Do you have proof? If so, direct me to the evidence.

    “By being so partisan you're missing the real issues”.

    See my UK Supreme Court articles, it negates your point of me being “so partisan”.

    “which is why this blog has no credibility whatsoever. I hope those reading your posts do so with a bucketful of salt.”

    I am sure that the thousands of readers who do so, will judge me on my opinions which I am not afraid to state publicly.

    I am sorry to lose you as a reader but in life you can’t please everyone, not even cyber-nats.

    Finally, next time know what you are talking about, it may help your argument.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
