Friday, January 7, 2022

Locking People into Democracy, Conservative plans for compulsory voter ID at UK elections are long overdue and necessary to protect our democracy, as the Labour Party and the SNP oppose secure voting, ordinary people really need to ask themselves a serious and irrelevant question, what are the parties of the left trying to hide?

We all understand that there is such a thing as "human rights", one such right is the ability to take part in 'free and fair' elections. But, what constitutes 'free and fair' elections. The first part, 'free' is fairly straight forward, this is that the right to vote is cost free. Where the arguments occur is centre on what constitutes 'fair'. In an election, every part of the process must be fair, fair for voters and fair for candidates, without this the system would be corrupted and democracy dies. If you listen to certain people, you would think that voter fraud isn't a serious issue, that is a lie. It is kind of like the argument when someone steals, in that they only stole a little, or what they stole didn't cost much. The true extent of voter fraud isn't known because like most crime, it remains undetected. The reason why is simple, when you turn up at a polling station, they ask you, your name and address, they don't ask you to prove who you are. As someone from a poor working class background, I can see that this omission is wrong. It isn't anti democratic to support the right to a free and fair election, but there are people, mainly from parties of the left who seek to destroy accountability on some made up pretext of supporting poor people. I am poor, but I don't need the help of middle class champagne socialists to secure my vote, I can do that myself. The left wing parties tend to think that working class people are their property, their voter cache, to keep them in power by hoodwinking us that they are making a difference to our lives. 

If you take America for example, the Democrats (the supposed left) control many major cities, in the ones they do control crime, decay, poverty and despair are rampant. If Democrats are there to lift up the poor, why is it every decade they failed? 

A valuable resource that I would urge you to watch and listen to is Dinesh D'souza, he is quite a speaker on the history of the Democratic Party and American politics in general. He has also produced several impressive documentaries which I would say, you cannot miss watching to educate yourself. Prior to watching and learning about the Democratic Party, I was lead to believe they were the 'good guys'. But the history of the Democratic Party is a history about suppression of working class people, and of minorities. One of the lies that you are sold is that parties of the left are interested in minorities, but they are interested in their votes. The left in the UK like the Democrats in the US have a few people of colour who make it to the top. If you take Scotland, for a quick example, politically dominated by the left in Holyrood, how many people of colour are in Holyrood as MSPs? It is seems to be an ethnic MSP in Scotland, you have to be Muslim, rich, middle class, university educated and of Pakistani descent. Why is there no poor non university educated Muslims of Pakistani descent in Holyrood? Why is there no MSPs of Chinese origin, or of Polish origin? The answer to all this is that system is rigged. Political representation is in part based on identity politics, a form of tokenism, it is the lie of being inclusive while at the same time, not being.

Politics can be rigged at every level from candidate selection all the way to the ballot box to who sits in councils and parliaments. 

Have you ever complained about bad politicians, now in part, you know why! 

I have always believed in a free and fair election, in fact, I have taken part as a candidate in two council elections, one a by-election in 2013, the other the main council election in 2017. This year, 2022, is the Council elections in Scotland, people are ask to go to the ballot box, in council elections, the turnout is usually dire anyway from 30% to under 50%, this is because the political parties breed apathy in the voters generally. In fact, I would say that parties of the left don't want everyone to vote because if people were active, this would force them to do a better job. Not only do I think that voter ID is essential in elections, I also believe that voting should be compulsory as in some other countries. In Scottish councils were the supposed left control them, services are bad, infrastructure is poor and decline is highly visible to the naked eye. SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon is marketed as a 'superwoman', all the answers to all the problems, able to fix every ill, and concerned for all. If you look at her constituency in Glasgow, you would think that her seat would be an oasis, a paradise of cosmopolitan chic and sophistication. You would be wrong, like most leaders of the left, what they do is stand in a poor area, buy off some of the local NGOs and other community organisations using public funds and then periodically turn up at a few community events or local issues to 'show face'. For the bulk of their time, they take nothing to do with their area. Muslim leader Humza Yousaf represents Glasgow Pollok, he stays in Brought Ferry in Dundee, this probably isn't widely known in Pollok, but that is the reality of Scottish politics.

And this scenario would be repeated in an almost identical fashion if another party of the left replaced either Sturgeon or Yousaf via the ballot box. The phrase you know all too well by people is, 'it doesn't make a difference who you vote for'.  

One of the things people must understand, is that for years, the political class haven't been serving the public, this is because they see power like a merry-go-round, they get out taste power, get off and are replaced, then they wait their turn to go back onto the merry-go-round. While this cosy arrangement goes on, they have no pressure on them to act, to do their jobs, they rely on the loyalty of people to fund their lifestyle. Anything that can threaten their opportunities to access public funds is pounced and opposed fanatically. This is why the left wing parties, and assorted supporters who call themselves campaigners oppose voter ID. They use scare tactics to say that having your name verified at a polling station by showing photographic ID at UK elections risks "locking ordinary people out of democracy". It does not, it is a lie and an insult to a person's intelligence, you see 'the left' usually university educated middle class graduates view the working class as stupid, people to be manipulated by them for their own ends, which is power, money and status. I am entirely not unsurprised that the two parties in Scotland who are fighting against the right to a free and fair election are the SNP and Labour. In order to vote, you would simply have to show a photographic voter ID card which doesn't cost the voter a single penny. Elections for Westminster will still remain cost free, it will remain a free and fair election. Another unsurprising opponent against voter ID appears to be elements of the left wing press, who are in some cases connected to the left wing parties. They are running with the narrative that the move required to clamp down on electoral fraud isn't necessary because there is little evidence of it. 

The press are using scare tactics which mirror what the political parties say, is that just coincidence? My first post of the year gave you a message, don't trust political leaders and don't trust the press, in this, my third post I give you the same message. People have gotten into a rut when it comes to voting, they are being tribal, giving misplaced loyalty to people who don't act as their representatives, and in some cases actually work against their best interests, and the interests of the country. It is time to stop and think, to look beyond headlines, and sound bites and analyse what have the people in power done for you, your community and your country. If you don't like the state of your area, why keep in place the same people who do nothing of note to improve your lives, and the quality of it?  The Bill to make ID compulsory will eventually pass, it is long overdue, but there are other areas which should also be addressed, and that is the issue of postal votes. To me, this is another area particularly open to systematic abuse, and he is an article by an MP raising this issue. 

Finally, if you google online searching for election fraud, you find plenty of evidence, I used the term, "UK councillor vote fraud" in my search, however you could replace UK with the name of a political party of your choice to see who if any has been accused or convicted of doing it. Every time there is election fraud, someone or group is attempting to steal our democratic rights from all of us. We cannot allow this to stand, I urge people to support the Conservative Government in bring their Bill through the Commons and to get royal ascent. Democratic is always under attack, and the fight to root out bad people who are corrupt never ends. Dr Jess Garland, director of policy at the Electoral Reform Society, said: 

"Compulsory voter ID poses a huge risk to democratic access and equality. Millions of people lack photo ID in this country. These proposals will make it harder to vote for huge numbers of voters, locking ordinary people out of our democracy. The UK Government has consistently failed to make a credible case for these measures or set out how they will mitigate the negative impact of the changes. It's time the Government stops and re-thinks these costly and unnecessary proposals and comes back with an Elections Bill that strengthens our democracy, rather than weakening it." 

Unless you can verify the ID of the person casting a vote, you cannot strengthen our democracy. Earlier I noted that the parties of the left and their supporters would be against this measure. I did a quick search and found that Dr Jess Garland is a former Senior Political Adviser to a Shadow Cabinet Minister, ain't that no surprise! Is her objection really someone putting their hand in their pocket and pulling out a free photo ID card, is that really a hardship? I think not.  

1 comment:

  1. We are all sent a voting card for each election. Surely it would be simple enough to insist that it is brought to the Polling Place to allow you to vote? No card, no vote.
