Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Happy New Year 2022, All that is necessary for evil to flourish is that good men and women say silent, we live in a time were silence is allowing evil people to do evil and get away with it, once people speak up, speak out, we live in a democracy, our political class have damaged not just our country, they have harmed society, they have helped by the media to lie to you, if you deserve anything, you deserve the truth

Happy New Year 2022. 

You would have noticed that I had stopped blogging, this was due to computing problems, although, I had managed to do some twitter stuff. The sad reality of life is that sometimes, pc hard drives crash, and die. Although this isn't a big deal, it is when 100's of GBs of data go with it, and cannot be recovered. Yes, that WTF moment happened to me, except getting the replacement wasn't as straight forward. After the crash, I was like a few days of tinkering about before I accept the dead meant dead. Then I searched for a new drive and ordered it up, only to get shafted by a late delivery due to the usual nonsense, whatever that was. 

When I got my bright shiny new drive, I decided in the interests of cost to fit it myself. After that hurdle of installation was complete, the thing didn't work, didn't register on my bios. So, back to stripping out everything and trying again. After a period of self doubt sprinkled with have I messed this up total and would need to seek professional help, I managed to get it to register. 

The data I had however was wiped out, so I had to go and get as much of what I had lost back from various sources, luckily a few sources are still on the web, as some people know, I try to do cgi stuff, and the files are quite large. Anyway, back to normal, also I put in extra storage as a back-up. I suppose you could say, all part of the learning process. 


In the meantime, the new year has come and gone, and it is time to get back to normal, this is so much to comment on, and mostly it is all bad. We are living in an age of oppression, not just in Scotland under the jackboot of Nicola Sturgeon and her cult, no, you can see this right across the world, especially in places where you would have thought liberty meant something, like the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Austria and Australia. Even you can't have failed to noticed one of the worst examples of policing that I have ever heard about or seem. The six van riot squad attack on a group of elderly pensioners celebrating new year in a bar. 

When you watch this footage, you can clearly hear the policewoman say, 'the pub is shut', this implies the pub staff are turfing out the patrons, and the police have been called to assist staff. I suppose the question is, did the pub staff call the police? Normally, when a pub closes, the staff would go round before the place closes and tells the people to finish, this is called drinking up time. You see this practice right across Scotland. You have the security and bar staff do this job, you see the staff flashing the lights on and off. But when you look at the video, were are the staff asking the people to leave? Why was six vans of police outside? Six van loads of police for elderly pensioners, doesn't that strike you as strange? 

I think this little episode will lose Police Scotland public goodwill. 

Last year, if we learnt anything, it was that were cannot trust politicians, the press, the media and celebrities who all walked in lock step to push harmful injections on the public. I suppose the first thing would be to that claim where is the evidence. One source is the statistically high number of perfectly fit and healthy footballers and athletes that have collapsed and died playing their sport. People die, we know this, in my 59 years on this planet, there has been only one occasion where I saw a woman die. that was on the bus I was on in 2009. Funnily enough if you type in the title of the post on google, you can't find it. So here it is, found using microsoft edge. 

The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow Uni: 20 minutes in the life of George Laird ( 

Someone pointed out to me that my posts were hard to find, well on google they certainly are, which could be a form of censorship by them for people who hold independent views. If you take anything from this post, which given the rise of alternative media and platforms, understand this, trust in the establishment has been eroded. Do not trust the leaders of the political class, newspapers, media, so called experts attached to government, usually called shrills by some, and also have no faith in celebrities who are used to hoodwink you. Read as many different types of opinions as possible, always look for factual evidence and people's personal experience, and don't accept any narrative except your own. 

Learn to read beyond the headline! 

Welcome back to the blog, and I hope that my views make you think, I don't expect you to like or understand all my points of view, they are the result of my upbringing, how I see the world. And it is a cruel world, it will get even crueller, unless you also speak out and vote out bad people. At some point in your life, you will be the victim of injustice, if you have, you will know how that felt, and the isolation and hurt you experienced because of it. So, never be silent. We are being lied too, cheated and abused, the fight back starts by saying 'No more'!  

1 comment:

  1. What's the point of voting out bad people when there's nobody good to vote for?
