Friday, January 14, 2022

A Sheer Utter Embarrassment at Westminster; Deluded SNP MP Stewart McDonald shows his lack of understanding of geopolitics by saying that accepting Ukraine into Nato is the way to stop Vladimir Putin from drawing a new Iron Curtain across Europe, ex holiday rep comes up with a childlike solution to the Russia/ Ukraine conflict, in the 'Battle of Pollokshaws Library' warmonger McDonald allegedly hid under desk from a man who he allegedly defamed, until saved by Police Scotland, not exactly a hero in the making

On the Eastern front, there is a rammy brewing, the Russians sensing the weakness of the West under President Joe Biden are making noises that they want to blunder into Ukraine. There are some Russkies who yearn for the good old days of the Soviet Union. Russia with a row of buffer States between them and the West. The Ukraine isn't a country that is doing well economically, they like many other countries cannot afford war. They can't also be the cat in the middle of a Russia/ West power grab. If anything, the way out of Ukraine's problems wopuld seem to be that they stake the same status Switzerland. Neutrality would allow them to concentrate on fixing their internal domestic ills to reshape their country. I happened to come across an article penned by SNP MP Stewart McDonald, an ex Holiday rep, and Lesia Vasylenko who is an Ukrainian MP. Their conclusion that to end issues in the region that this magically happens by accepting Ukraine into Nato is naive. We have seen Ukrainian soldiers in military exercises with United States and other Nato forces in the past, we have heard talk of allowing Ukraine into the EU. We know that the West is keen to ring what they call problem nations with missiles, they want to do it with Russia and with China. 

Missiles shields ring Russia and China remind me of the old failed policy of the  Maginot Line. It was said that a quarter of a million men served this defence, the main fault lay in that fact that the French didn't extend the line along the borders of friendly countries. So, the Nazis just 'nipped round the back', making the embedded forts useless. As Covid has shown, missile defence rings are costly pieces of hardware to buy and maintain, so much more simple to have bio weapons destroy a country's ability to fight, plan, train and be economically viable. If the Russians want to roll into Ukraine and seize the country, they could do so easily. The West hasn't the forces or indeed the will to defend Ukraine in the event of an attack. Just as history teaches us, warfare in Russia or Ukraine isn't a viable option. The Nazis found out to their cost that the colossal length and the security of the supply chain is far too much. The notion by Stewart McDonald MP and Lesia Vasylenko MP that a piece of paper signed by Ukraine of Nato membership as way of stopping Vladimir Putin from drawing a new Iron Curtain across Europe is backward thinking. Here is a question, do you remember Neville Chamberlain's signed declaration of 1938, the famous 'peace in our time'? 

How long did that last? It didn't stop military build up, it didn't stop military planning and it didn't stop war in 1939 with the invasion of Poland which triggered the second world war. In fact, the downtime allowed the Germans to bring their industry up to a better war footing. When the fall of the Soviet Union happened, it was right that European countries held hostage returned back to their European roots such as East Germany, Poland and Hungary, as well that the smaller countries of Estonia etc. You could argue Ukraine should have remained part of Russian. If you watch the youtube commentator, Bald and Bankrupt, you can see many Russians who settled in the Ukraine lamenting how things were better under the Soviets. A single video as I have put up above will not give you a totally rounded view of life in the Ukraine by if you ferret through his other videos and listen to his conversations, see the local colour and structures of the country as lived by ordinary people, I think it would inform your view. Like many places, outside the glitz of the big cities, life isn't all rosy in the garden for people. There is an interesting wee conversation around 15 minute mark with the youtube vlogger and an elderly woman. One thing that Ukraine doesn't need is war, it doesn't need Russia or the West putting their big bloody boots on the ground in a power grab. Another issue for the Ukrainians is the rogue militias operating in the country.      

At present, we see a Russian military build-up on Ukraine’s border, we have from Moscow, a litany of security concerns, of alleged fear based on irrationality. Does anyone think for a moment that the West plans to invade Russia? Or that Ukraine, an economic failed State plans to invade Russia? No one is going to invade any major country, especially ones with nuclear weapons. It's too expensive, and it is highly unlikely that the West will take the China route by building up a country's infrastructure in the way that China has done in places like Africa. Modern warfare has a new tool, economics, use to destroyed or create, the Chinese have been very smart to use economic power to create, thus creating goodwill and security of resources for them. Does anyone think that the West will create infrastructure in the Ukraine when economically they are struggling to support themselves, after all, if they can't take care of their own citizens, o you think they have the means or interest to take care of anyone else? Russia's interest in Ukraine is empire building, acquiring resources, a land grab if they choose to blunder into the Ukraine on some made up piece of mumbo jumbo. As if spinning a story actually changes history or the actuality of what is happening on the ground. Will the Russians if they invade make the lot of ordinary Ukrainians better? Meanwhile over in sunny Russia, you can see this level of poverty play itself out, maybe someone should ask Putin, why there isn't enough Russian State aid to help out his own people? 

Ukraine is no stranger to Russian aggression in the not so distance past, the tyranny of the Soviet era aren't easy scars to shake off. The Soviets were no stranger to committing crimes against humanity, from Stalin's time of the purges which is well documented right to up the present day with the Salisbury poisoning. The Salisbury poisoning was a stupid event by Russian military intelligence to murder a defector living in the UK, an old man who posed them no serious threat of harm. Just like in our country, sometimes the wrong type of people get into power and then abuse that power by making decisions which defy any real logic. Although Ukrainian territory remains illegally annexed and occupied in Crimea, this raises concern, especially for the Russians, it is for them a diplomatic sore, much like Afghanistan when they blundered in there, no one is forgetting, and no one is forgiving. If I was the Ukrainian government, I would redraw the boundaries of Ukraine without Crimea. Once that was achieved, then the Ukrainian government should be like Switzerland and remove themselves from being used as a pawn by East and West. After this move, there would be no place for Russian-backed terrorists who are waging a war in Ukraine’s Donbas region. Ukraine needs to work out that the land they stand is viewed as a battleground, they therefore need to neturalise that concept. It is said that  Ukrainian public opinion favours Nato and EU membership, no doubt this opinion has been manipulated by politicians, the promise of nirvana, but the reality is plain, warfare requires battlefields, and I think since we have seen were wars have been fought over the last 100 years, you cannot help but conclude that both East and West have designated Ukraine as a playing area, and while a war isn't being played on the 'ground', that leaves time for the natural resources of the Ukraine to be stripped an hived off to whoever gets in there first. 

Finally, God knows what interested SNP MP Stewart McDonald, an ex Holiday rep has in the Ukraine, it isn't exactly a natural tourist spot beyond the notable urban islands. As to Lesia Vasylenko who is an Ukrainian MP, well her interest is obvious, she is in a position of power, if the Russians kick the door in and invade, her job presumably is in flux. Would the Russians allow the Ukrainian parliament to continue, do they abolish it, set new elections to their Russian Parliament? Would someone like Lesia Vasylenko stand as a representative? Another question, one of the biggies would be, would NATO if Ukraine was a member start a war to recover it in the event of an invasion. Actual boots on the grounds facing off against Russians soldiers, personally, I have my doubts, for several reasons. One the West under Joe Biden is weak and leaderless, secondly military forces have been crippled and run down in the West to such a degree that they couldn't take and hold a country like Ukraine. It's just too big for Western forces to hold. SNP MP Stewart McDonald maybe trying to reinvent himself as a military expert and possible strategist, but he is as dumb as they come out of the SNP ranks. In the 'Battle of Pollokshaws Library', Stewart McDonald hid under a desk because he was scared to answer questions from a man who he had allegedly defamed. You can see the video by watching this link, regardless of what you think of Robinson, the House of Commons allows any MP to defame a member of the public without that person having recourse to law by virtue of doing it in the Chamber of the Commons. Also regardless who said what to who, it is striking that an MP should be so cowardly and need police to attend because of actions that they committed. Now SNP MP Stewart McDonald seems to want to gravitate towards bigger fights, not taking part himself, too cowardly for that, no, someone else has to do that chore for him. Having the SNP at any level trying to pontificate on foreign an military policy is just an embarrassment, it really is, but to put an ex Holiday rep as their front man is beyond a joke.


  1. You are mixing and taking historical events completely out of complex.

    Ergo Chamberlin new exactly what he had with that piece of paper and knew exactly what it was worth.
    Time to prepare for war. Time to replace the RAF's biplane, yes Biplane front line fighter aircraft with Hurricanes and Spitfires.

    Not enough TIME to replace the outdated single engined bombers who were shot out of the sky over France in the "phony war", well it wasn't phony to the crews of Fairy Battle aircraft who flew out against the Messerschmitt's and never returned.

    There is a process to join NATO and it takes about a decade once the process starts.

    Except Ukraine has never actually started that process. Hmm.

    We are actually tied to Ukraines security, did you know that BTW.

    Something Blair signed us up for, got the Ukraines nukes off them and the West walked and has stayed away ever since. Hmm.

    "Another issue for the Ukrainians is the rogue militias operating in the country."

    You mean the Russian Army on "leave" right?

    Can you tell us the nationality of the Boeing 777 shot down in 17 July 2014 by the Russian Army, sorry rogue militia, using a battlefield mobile BUK SAM system?


    I guess they must have left the keys in the ignition[s] or something...

    Still a limited war with NATO is something Putin or rather Russia cannot afford.

    It would however, be unwise to sit back and expect sanity to suddenly prevail.

    "27. The Russian Federation shall reserve the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies, as well as in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is in jeopardy."


  2. Sorry as to my previous, I should have titled it, Thank Fuck for Trident!

  3. Hi Weemonkey,

    Came across a video which I add in the post, one of the speakers said in effect, the West isn't going to defend Ukraine because it isn't classed as national interest. When the 'good weather' pops up, and the roads are passable, let's wait an see if the Russians blunder in further or keep the status quo.

