Tuesday, January 11, 2022

A Lonely Hill To Die On, Former Scottish Tories leader Ruth Davidson and former Conservative attorney general Dominic Grieve, both arch Remainers lead the charge calling for Boris Johnson to resign over Downing Street Covid party, in the rush to condemn the PM, the official investigation appears to be an inconvenient nuisance, Dominic Grieve looks like he wants to discard and go straight to a guilty verdict despite admitting he doesn't know the full facts, is this, 'don't know the facts, just hang him, its only details'!

In politics, truth, honesty and integrity is something which the public rightly demand, they demand that politicians rightly act at all times in good faith, nothing that they wouldn't expect from themselves. There are several things in politics which are papered over, such as division in political parties. The most obvious division is in the Labour Party with the fight between the 'left' and the 'right'. The reason for that fight is that the Labour Party has been hijacked by middle class university graduates who talk the language of helping the poor but really have no interest in it. If you are a political activist you can see this not just at election time but also in the operations of the party. In Scotland, the people rejected the right wing of the Labour Party for many reasons, now the right wing of the Labour Party are back, not in power, I think once the electorate cotton onto the 'sarwarisation' of the party, they wouldn't hanker for a return to the bad old days of New Labour. Scottish Labour like London Labour would rather lose elections under their control than under the left. Under the Corbyn leadership, the right wing of the Labour actively sabotaged the 2017 election, a fifth column working within. One party with two wings which cannot "gel" together, their problem, not ours. 

The lost of the 2017 election was an act of self harm by the right wing of Labour Party, but they aren't the only party to engage in self harm. When the people who control a party get into government, they should have several objectives, but one of the key objectives is to stay in public office. In that concept, they need to be model politicians, in the eyes of the party and the public. Recently, it is rather noticeable that there is a campaign to ditch Boris Johnson as the leader of the Conservatives. Various players will have their motives, and as such they will seek to use any and all methods or incidents of alleged wrongdoing to further their cause. One such player is Ruth Davidson, she isn't a fan of Boris Johnson, pre-peerage, and she isn't a fan post peerage, she is a Remainer. In Scotland, the Scottish Conservatives, five years after the vote, in some cases are still struggling with losing the 2016 Brexit referendum. They want closer ties to the EU, and they want full membership restored by baby steps as cover themselves and develop a narrative that current arrangements work against the British interest. Membership of the EU is gone, and if it wasn't for the nonsense of covid, we would have been starting to see tangible benefits of that decision. One benefit already is that there are more jobs for working class people and higher rates of pay for them as well. 

One fly in the ointment is that 'Remainers' think that they need to get rid of Boris Johnson, replace him with a pro Euro stooge. Lockdown has been hard on everyone, two years of a failure experiment, now covid is more about a power grab than of health. For example, you were a mask going into shops, the blue ones that you would see a dentist wear. Do you know what these masks are, they are there to act as 'splashguards', they don't stop transmission of the virus in much the same way that a trawler net doesn't stop water passing through its net when being hauled onboard. The masks aren't the correct technical spec to stop virus transmission. This is just one simple example of how we have been manipulated during this lockdown, masks are designed to be a PR stunt to give people false hope. To go back to the fishing net analogy, yes, there will be water on the net when brought back onboard, but the bulk of the water will pass right through it. Next time you wear a mask try standing near to someone smoking, if you smell the smoke, your mask is useless, or try having someone spray themselves with perfume, if you smell that your mask is useless. Truth is that it is useless for everything except what it was designed for a temporary splashguard. 

At present, Ruth Davidson who has waded into the fray about the Downing Street "parties" has I think, pinned her colours to the mast by saying about the revelations and those involved who appear to be denying it: 

“This line won’t survive 48 hrs. Nobody needs an official to tell them if they were at a boozy shindig in their own garden. People are (rightly) furious. They sacrificed so much, visiting sick or grieving relatives, funerals. What if were any of these people thinking?” 

No one likes to see double standards, and UK health minister Edward Argar said he could completely understood why people were “angry, upset and hurt by these allegations”. But Argar also said that they would have to wait for senior civil servant Sue Gray’s internal investigation to be completed before coming to any conclusions. To show how this appears to be shaping up as an internal Conservative Party internal fight, former Conservative attorney general Dominic Grieve said Mr Johnson was a “serial liar”, obviously not pulling any punches there, he added as a parting shot that the PM should be ousted from office after the latest revelation. Dominic Grieve wasn't just a prominent Remain supporter on Brexit, in the aftermath of losing Grieve called for a second referendum on EU membership. Before being expelled, he had said that he and other Conservative rebels would support a vote of no confidence to bring down a Conservative government. He reasoned this out as the only way to block the “catastrophic” damage from a bad Brexit. In many ways, this type of act is startling similar to the actions of right wingers in the Labour Party to Corbyn. Here we are 5 years after the Brexit vote and prominent Remain supporters want to oust Boris Johnson using any tool in the box on what they think will damage him personally. 

In taking a lead role anti Boris role, Grieve accused the Prime Minister of a pattern of behaviour that is undermining trust. He also went as far to say that this included lying about potential rule-breaking gatherings at Number 10 during the first coronavirus lockdown. Boris isn't just up against 'Remainers', his former special advisor Dominic Cummings, has suggested the Prime Minister attended the event with his wife Carrie. Cummings was dismissed over internal fighting within Number 10 which was greatly helped by his road trip during covid. At the time,  Conservative MP Steve Baker, said: 

"The country can't afford this nonsense, this pantomime, Dominic should go and we should move on and deal with things that matter in people's lives." 

In politics, the rule of thumb is, when you as a special advisor become the story, you go, that is how the game is played, and something that Dominic Cummings must have known going into it. It is said that Cummings had run ins with Boris Johnson's wife, so it seems the key players who want Boris gone have a noted history of grievance against him. I suppose that people will look on with interest and speculate why Dominic Grieve appears to want to have a leading role in attempting to bring down the Prime Minister. He served as David Cameron’s attorney general from 2010 to 2014, Cameron was also a 'Remainer', anyway Grieve said that Conservative MPs who are “very unhappy” with the current Prime Minister’s behaviour should move to replace him. Is this the hill that Dominic Grieve really wants to die on, being seen as the man who twice tried to destroy a sitting Conservative Government? On the latest allegation of the Prime Minister and Downing Street staff flouting Covid-19 rules, Mr Grieve said: 

“He ought to be in a lot of trouble because he’s told a series of untruths about these issues over a period of time and the latest evidence clearly suggests that the rules were broken. There may be mitigating circumstances for that, I don’t know. But it’s part of a pattern of behaviour by him which undermines trust. And because trust is undermined, it then becomes very difficult to accept anything he says on any topic whatsoever.” 

Surely if Grieve acknowledges that he isn't in possession of all the facts, than it is quite wrong to say that what has happened is "part of a pattern of behaviour by him", the suggestion by Grieve appears to be to invite you assume that everything gone before and now is wrongdoing. Given an investigation is underway where no evidence has been published, one can only say that anything said is just speculation. Something which Dominic Grieve did say which I think is wrong, is that he thinks the public now has “very little” trust in Mr Johnson. People know exactly what they are buying when they support Boris Johnson, no one is being hoodwinked, but I have to say lack of attention to detail is one of Boris Johnson's failings, but that to me doesn't rate calling him as a serial liar. Boris is someone who 'wings' it when it comes to detail, so his brain fills in the blanks, not because he knows everything and wants to change the narrative, rather he talks for the sake of talking to sound plausible because someone has stuck a microphone in front of him.  

Finally, being attacked in politics is nothing new, the public see it all the times, between the government and the opposition, they occasionally see it with party infighting as well. Boris Johnson still remains an electoral asset to the Conservative Party. His ship has taken a few bad turns, to not acknowledge this is to deny facts, he has to right his government, right himself, and right the party, all achievable. He needs to push forward with his levelling up policy especially in 'red wall' seats, and then he has to fix Scotland. There is so much to do, that 'in house' parties should be permanently off the agenda. If the people stick to the rules, the priority should be that government sticks to the rules as well. What we are seeing here is a fight over Brexit which was lost 5 years ago where deep divisions were never healed. Well in politics, you win or lose at the ballot box, when you lose you accept it and move onto the next fight, something which 'Remainers' haven't learned. The world of 2016 and EU membership is gone forever, when people see the other benefits coming down the line, people like Ruth Davidson and Dominic Grieve will find that allies are hard to come by on that lonely hill.

1 comment:

  1. Spot on once again George.

    I also note that politicians use hindsight to their advantage, no matter the subject or context.
