Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Cruel World of Scotland, Scotland has lost a beautiful and wonderful human being called Esther Brown, she was a beacon of light for many who lived in darkness and despair, the man who raped and murdered her, Jason Graham has been jailed for life with a minimum sentence of 19 years, this sentence is too light for a serial rapist and murderer, justice demands life without possibility of release

Dear All 

It takes a particularly disturbed mind to rape and murder an innocent woman, but in the midst of Covid, one thing has never stopped is bad people committing unspeakable crimes. Esther Brown was a 67-year-old woman who was a much-loved and active member of her local  community, she was also someone who helped others in their time of need preparing meals for people in need. Her life was full of light as you can see by looking at her eyes in the picture above, then Jason Graham came into her life. Someone was dead inside, someone whom decency and empathy was an alien concept. There are people on the fringes of our society who are feral, they care nothing for people or society, Graham was one of these people. You might ask, why am I commenting on this story, when there is a few good solid political stories to get your teeth into? 

I recognise her. 

In life, you get periods of joy, and periods of heartache can sometimes fall immediately afterwards. At the weekend, I went through to a free speech event, it was invitation only, it had many high brow panels through-out the day and interesting topics, along with some pretty notable people. Afterwards, I left Edinburgh, and I met up with a university friend that I hadn't seen in 28 years, to do a lot of catching up, and meet their family. When I got back to Glasgow on Monday night, I phoned my mate to tell him about my trip and to get the latest gossip, and tell him about my mini adventures. As we chatted he told me, one of my long time friends brother is in hospital and in ICU, and nothing more can be done for him by the medics. My mate was close to his brother, his upcoming death will hit my friend hard, his brother is severely disabled, has been all his life, and now this. Sometimes life can be too much and too cruel. I had spent a weekend enjoying myself, for a change, and come back to hear all about this. 

In my life, I have came across all sorts of people, I have met people in passing like Jason Graham, and also many good and decent people like Esther Brown. I feel so sorry for the family and friends of Esther, they have lost such a unique human being, someone who deserved love, respect and to be valued for what she was a shining light in a country living in darkness. After the trial of Jason Graham, the judge has jailed him for life with a minimum term of 19 years. Prison will not be new to him, Graham had previously been jailed for raping an older woman in 2013. Some people in society cannot be changed, some people have so much hate in them, they have no intention of changing, Jason Graham was one of those people. A minimum term of 19 years is a lot, but in the case of Graham, his sentence should be life without possibility of release. I don't know if he will have any regret about what he done, his regrets will be more practical, can't get booze, can't get drugs and can't get a normal exists. If he gets out of prison, this two time rapist will never be employed in the public sector, and it is doubtful he would find a place in the private sector with no employment record or skills. 

Just as Jason Graham rape and murdered a kind lady, he also killed off his own life. As he sits in the sex offenders wing, will he think back to horrific injuries and death that he caused? Others will rightly wonder, why someone like Jason Graham a known sex offender was better monitored, the answer is simple, not enough resources and people to do so. For some time, I have been writing about how society is in a bad way, it is being systematically destroyed, rule of law has been eroded, we haven't entered the apocalypse but we are marching right up towards the door. People like Graham look and see how rotten everything is at the top, and think since the rich and powerful don't abide by the rules, why should he. Graham was a person who didn't aspire, he gave up wanting to be a better person, when did that start is anyone's guess. We have a society in decline in Scotland, but crimes like these should be a wake-up call. Will this be one for politicians to answer, or will they simply not show interest and forget. There has been a trial, there has been a verdict, Jason Graham has been removed from society, but that should not be the end of the matter. 

A few days ago, the SNP and The National are putting together an edition of propaganda, an independence rag that riches, wealth and happiness are just round the corner. If you stand back and watch Scotland and the SNP Government, you will know that 'nirvana' and their 'milk and honey' for all is a lie. There is plenty of time for nonsense, but little time for getting Scotland back on its feet, there is no time to get its people back on its feet. There is no understanding that the real fight isn't about independence, it is about continually raising people up from the bottom. We have a section in society called the underclass, Jason Graham was a life time member it seems, people who have nothing, who have no future, who have given up aspiration in favour of baser needs. In the 14 years of SNP misrule, the SNP have abandoned government except as a meal ticket and as a campaigning tool for independence. They have run down all services at national and local level, they have caused division, they have failed in key areas relating to policing, courts and social work. 

As more people get trapped in poverty, living lives of despair and anger, we will continue to see people like Jason Graham emerge for all the wrong reasons. After his first rape, Jason Graham was said to be monitored by the police as a registered sex offender. I would like to know, what does that really mean? Does it mean, they knew where he lived, well obviously that comes from the register, but does turning up at where he lives actually stop crime? The answer is no, this is just police having a pick up address of 'known offenders' which they can access for ease of investigation, and of course, they would have his DNA on file from 2013. Graham already knew that the police had his DNA on file and rape anyway, so where was the deterrent or the managing of his behaviour? In some respects, you may ask if the current system is 'shutting the door after the horse has bolted'. 

Finally, after reading this post, I want you to forget the name Jason Graham, forget him and cast what he did out of your mind. I want you instead to remember Esther Brown as her family, friends and community knew her, “a much-loved and active member of the community”.  Helen Moran, who worked with Ms Brown in the community said of her: 

“Esther was honestly a wonderful person, we worked together preparing meals for people in need.” 

A neighbour, Ms McKay added: 

“The impact of her death has been huge in the community. The sentencing is very disappointing as many of us in the surrounding community have been victims of perpetrators being let back into society. We need to see change in the justice system.” 

Scotland needs an Esther's Law, and an overhaul of the justice system, from 'soup to nuts', we have a failed system, but I doubt there will be any real desire to change it by the SNP Government. As I mentioned above, when I read about this case, and looked at the picture, I immediately recognised her, she is now gone, and the world is truly the worse for her passing. When Ms Mckay said, “The impact of her death has been huge in the community”, let me tell you, it has been felt in Craigton, may God welcome this beautiful soul into his kingdom. And may others have the courage to speak out to change our broken country and systems.

Yours sincerely 

George Laird                                                                                                                                The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Jailed for seven and a half years in 2013 for rape of a retired nurse. 23 previous convictions but released on licence 2018. Two questions 1 - Why is this scumbag still vertical? and 2 Under the SNP shouldn't the statue of Lady Justice now be depicted holding a revolving door rather than a set of scales and a sword?

  2. The guy is obviously sick, should be put into Cartairs and the key, thrown away.

  3. Hi Tony,

    Some people become bad, and the evolve to be monsters, this is a guy who showed he was feral, part of the underclass, Esther devoted herself to helping out people in need with meals, he possibly turned up at places like City Mission and Lodge House Mission in Glasgow an benefited from people like Esther's kindness an help. I see Douglas Ross has spoke out today on this case, the sentence is too light, and needs to go back and made higher.

