Monday, October 25, 2021

The Humza Plan for Glaswegian Deaths During Cop26, SNP Health Secretary Humza Yousaf stands idly by as hundreds of Glaswegians lose face-to-face GP appointments in bid to slash traffic levels during Cop26 climate summit, the people of Glasgow cannot wait two weeks or more to see a GP, will Humza Yousaf's stupidity cost more lives than ex Health Sec Jeane Freeman allowing infected elderly covid patients into sterile care homes, how many are going to die?

Dear All 

The incompetence of the SNP and the current Health Secretary Humza Yousaf cannot be over stated enough. The Scottish Health Service is in crisis, the crisis started before Covid 19 as far back as 2007 when Nicola Sturgeon was appointed as Health Sec by Alex Salmond as part of a makeover to make Sturgeon look a warm caring human being. In the evolution of Ministers from her to Humza Yousaf, the downward trajectory has continued, we had the uber incompetent pal of Sturgeon, Shona Robison woefully out of her depth, Alex Neil who fainted at the sight of blood, and the dreadful Jeane Freeman who failed her duty of care in stopping the shipping of infected Covid patients into sterile care homes. In this pandemic, the SNP and the medical profession left many elderly people to die, Freeman will be remember for this slaughter alongside Nicola Sturgeon. At the recent election, Freeman stepped down to enjoy want time she has left now she is 68. As she left parliament, the opposition said nice things about her, the public didn't get to have their say about her especially the relatives of elderly people. 

Freeman is gone, but in her wake, it forced Nicola Sturgeon to put arguably the worst person off the SNP front bench, Humza Yousaf in charge. I don't know if the term 'in charge' aptly describes him or what he is doing, to me the Health Service is leadership supplemented by benign neglect. It seems a service run by as a curtailed enterprise, which will be storing up future problems. The future problems will be people who have undetected cancers, heart problems, serious medical illness and covid injection injuries. Yes, covid injection injuries are going to feature heavily in my opinion on the NHS treatment lists. One of the noticeable aspects of covid injection injury is that the politicians, governments and mainstream press have all worked together to more or less maintain a complete blanket ban of silence. When an injury is reported, the public is told that this is 'rare'. I came across a website in passing that listed some 48 /50 side effects of covid injections, normally I would put the link up, but big tech such as google, facebook and twitter is censoring such information on the web. I have several links for you to read to see if you agree with a growing suspicion that covid injection injuries aren't as portrayed 'rare'. 

This fourth link, I urge you read. 

The headline is pretty encompassing, "as Infection Rates for Vaccinated Aged 40-79 Hit Double the Rates in the Unvaccinated, the U.K. Health Security Agency Suggests that Vaccines May Hobble the Immune Response on Infection". Although the first part doesn't surprise me, the U.K. Health Security Agency talks about the covid injection suppressing the immune system of everyone jabbed is pretty damning. On GB News, the presenter Nana Akua says she cannot understand why anyone would refuse getting vaccinated because in her own words, she says, 'it makes perfect sense to me'. People who have a superficial understanding of an issue can be easily swayed, in her case she says she worked for the NHS, and also the care sector. Whereas both these sectors have a tremendous amount of support, and why won't they. Their endearment to the British people shouldn't extend to the big pharma companies, especially those who have a history of paying massive damages to victims of their products. When I listened to Nana Akua her piece to camera, I wasn't impressed, in fact I wrote a reply back on youtube when she urged people to explain to her the problem. The reply didn't get published, it was removed because I included factual links to back up my argument, all these links appear above plus the additional link on the British woman, 39, who recently tragically died. My points as best as I can recall them were; 

1/There is no screening programme to exclude people who could be at risk from the vaccine.

2/ Unqualified people (the public) had to ask low level NHS staff technical questions which the staff mostly have no or limited knowledge to answer, and they were also not prepped on a persona's personal medical history, they would have to make decisions in the moment.

3/ Pre injected, concerns about body immunity were ignored totally.

4/ There is no counter drug to the vaccine.

5/ Governments operated a one side campaign of information to ensure vaccine take up.

6/ Politicians and the MSM have operated an almost blanket ban on vaccine injury

7/ The vaccine is still under trials

8/ The vaccine has caused massive injury to some people but no government announcement of a working party to address this.

9/ Big tech companies which people used for discussion on vaccine safety all acted to suppress and remove any material which didn't conform to the official government line. 

The problem with people like GB News presenter Nana Akua is that she hasn't done rolling forensic research. If you look at the comments following her piece to camera, you will see that many people are firmly against her. If a person wishes to risk their life and health doing skydiving, we would say that is their choice, but with choice comes consequences. Ms. Akua is effectively saying that you should lose your right to choice, lose your right to assess risk. When Nana Akua talks of carers having a duty of care to their patients, she willing ignores that a carer's first duty of care is to their own health. Why doesn't she think that is important? In her piece, she touches on natural immunity protection, then also immediately dismisses it, while at the same time failing to compare the vaccine doesn't stop you getting covid and doesn't stop you spreading it. So, what does natural immunity do? Natural immunity means the body acts to attack the whole virus, whereas covid injection only attacks the spike protein, so natural immunity is far superior. And of course, there is a link provided above regarding the vaccine. 

If the U.K. Health Security Agency is right in suggesting that covid vaccines may hobble the immune response on infection, what does that means. That means that people vaccinate could have a serious ongoing problem, it would also mean that the immune system would be less successful in tackling cancer cells floating around in the body. And with no counter drug to neturalise the covid vaccine, and with no long term data available, there could be a real problem. The unvaccinated people would therefore be special because they would the only supply of uncontaminated blood, unless of course a screening process could be used to kill off the covid vaccine in blood. Have you heard of such a process being talked or written about because I haven't. There could be a major need for unvaccinated blood for research and hospital treatments. I obviously cannot say for 100% this would be the case, but it would seem logical if what the U.K. Health Security Agency is suggesting is true. Look at the first link about the poor woman who ended up needing a brain operation, now imagine multiplying that up 1000's times, there isn't enough Surgeons. 

Could you imagine what a scenario would look like in Scotland, if the NHS was swamped by people who had vaccine injury? And as I mentioned, once injected, there is no getting this stuff out. Normal drug trials are circa 15 years from drawing board to approval, covid vaccine were rushed through in little under a year. I suppose when you hear an "expert" claim that there is long term data when there isn't it becomes a red flag. I think this topic is grim, and it is a diversion from the initial start of the thread but I consider this to be of such importance that it must be touched on. At the start, no stories of vaccine injury appeared anywhere in the MSM press, now they are leaking out. Before you continue, time for a break and light hearted entertainment which is why I recommend this youtube video. 

To get back to Humza Yousaf, the Health Sec, all that I wrote about above, probably hasn't crossed his mind, there is I assume no special planning done by him re vaccine injury, an everything is left to medics on the ground. As well as the covid issue, there is an elephant in the room, the backlog of people who need medical treatment on a range of issues which can be quite serious and possibly fatal. To me, it is doesn't make sense that Humza Yousaf would allow hundreds of face-to-face GP appointments to be cancelled or rescheduled in Glasgow in bid to slash traffic levels during Cop26 climate summit. If I was the Health Sec such nonsense would never see the light of day across my desk. The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde plan of virtual appointments being offered means that people are being offered a substandard service. A major part of a patient interview is based on the Dr observing the patient, how can they do this proerly on a smartphone, an IPad or a 15.6 laptop at 720p resolution? It should be of no interest to the health service in Scotland about the reduction of road traffic while Cop26 climate conference runs. 

We have an already curtailed health service provision, we have patients who have waited months to see their GP, and in some cases those months lost could be the difference between treatment to save life and death. GPs shouldn't care how patients get to the surgery, they should care that they just get there. The City of Glasgow could be a covid hotspot since 25,000 people will attend the conference, and 100,000 protestors are expected to turn up, each one of them is a potential covid carrier, and that includes the 125 world leaders. With strikes planned by the RMT, this means fewer available means of public and private transport increasing the risk of transmission. Humza Yousaf says it is possible that there will be a jump in covid cases but the 25,000 delegates to the conference face no restrictions. If there is an light in this farce it is that In-person appointments will continue for cancer referrals and urgent care. Everyone else's lives the Scottish government is willing to gamble with. Jackie Baillie, Scottish Labour's health and Covid recovery spokeswoman, says the Humza plan is 'recipe for disaster'. I would have to agree with that, Nicola Sturgeon wants a successful conference as part of her CV to help look for another job, which I would presume would be out with Scotland. 

Finally, Cop26 will entail a huge security operation, codenamed Operation Urram, will involve 10,000 officers. Each one of them interacting with themselves and the public will increase risk of covid transmission. And of course, these officers probably will be fully jabbed, given the side effects of covid vaccine injury such as Myocarditis and Pericarditis after mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination, I would hope that the Police have setup their own access to medical support just in case of issues. I would also recommend they have a separate medical support teams brought up from England. With the pressure of 135,000 people potentially entering the city, pressure on health services could be stretched to breaking point. 

Did Humza have a plan for getting extra help or was the plan to simply sacrifice Glaswegians by denying them treatment?

Yours sincerely 

George Laird                                                                                                                                The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University 

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