Monday, October 4, 2021

The Explosion of the 'Enlightened Heterosexual', Scotland and its people are being abused by Nicola Sturgeon and her rancid nationalist party, children's rights are in danger, women's rights are in danger, and SNP MP Kirsty Blackman is the latest fool to highlight the decline, she retweets a call for SNP MP Joanna Cherry to be expelled from the SNP for standing up for women's rights, there is no dignity, no integrity and no morality to Sturgeon's government and her useful idiots

Dear All 

Women rights in Scotland are under attack from an offshoot minority of the lgbt wing of the SNP who are embedded close to the leadership of Nicola Sturgeon. In the past I have written about what I term as the 'enlightened heterosexual', a front man or woman who pushes an lgbt agenda in Scotland. You would think that the person who would be at the forefront of 'enlightened heterosexual' movement would be SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon. She and her advisors are savvy enough to want to put barriers between her and the bad press which this issue generates, however the mantle has been passed to John Swinney, her deputy. Swinney is the front man who leading the lgbt agenda in schools, to sexualise children for the lgbt nationalist community. This video link below shows how free speech is attempted to be shutdown in order to protect an 'enabler'. That is what John Swinney is, he is an 'enabler' who allows the promotion of porn in schools. You go to school, to read, write and learn, the SNP is destroying that, they are destroying the life chances for the majority of Scottish children growing up today. 

So listen to Swinney speak at an event, this clearly shows he isn't interested in protecting children, he is in fact a puppet, a front man who strings are pulled by others. The SNP claim they have wide support for their schools agenda on lgbt, citing orgnisations such as charities, well the fact is, the bulk of these organisations are in the pocket of the SNP because they rely heavily on SNP Government funding. These organisations are just as reprehensible as John Swinney, they lack morals, they are like other cogs in an increasingly totalitarian state, 'just following orders', because that is the line of least resistance and they get a 'pay day'. This video by the Scottish Family Party is good because it is a public record of Scotland's moral decline under the SNP in the area of children's education. This is another safe space which has been violated by the SNP. 

There is an attack on women and children going on in Scotland. The major parties of what is 'dubbed' the left are fully signed up to playing their role in allowing men dressed as women into women's personal spaces. This means we are heading to a situation where all a man has to do is 'self ID' as a woman. They don't have to wear women's clothes, or indeed shave, or even look remotely like a woman, and they can strip off naked in a woman's changing room at places like gyms. Have you ever wondered why things have been allowed to get so bad in so many areas? 

If a person dresses up as a pirate, or a doctor, or robot, and self declare they are these things, where does the 'line in the sand' stop from humouring them to registering that there is something mentally wrong start? A man cannot become a biological adult female woman, not at any level, and that includes their genetic code. Pumping someone full of drugs, and cutting off and adding bits onto them doesn't make them a biological adult female. There is such a thing as lady boys, they are men who in some cases have had surgery, they are effectively customised men, everyone knows what they are, and are tolerant of what they are, but facts don't change because someone wants to move the legal goalposts. To do so is an abuse of power, an abuse of authority and is inheritably dangerous. 

I would not stand on a door step as a political activist and promote a policy that discriminates against women. Nor would I support anything that seeks to take their rights away from them, seeks to destroy their dignity, or seeks to downgrade them as women. When I see the press like the political class signing up to this madness and stating that woman can be defined as 'pregnant people', I think this is demeaning to women. The press were once a gatekeeper to hold the political class to account, this is no more. You can see this by how much organisations like the BBC and others have been totally cowed into silence. Women fought for the right to vote, that was a long hard struggle against then establishment. They have had to fight through the centuries to secure other rights, every right achieved by done by fighting for it, and done over many years against fierce resistance. Those rights are all in danger because of a political class that is signed up to an offshoot of the lgbt community's agenda sitting in the nationalist ranks.  

The Labour Party in the 'trans debate' unlike the woke SNP tries to ride both horses on this issue, we have 'rogue' Labour women speaking out about protecting women's personal spaces, and a leadership who effectively says nothing in Scotland. Where is Anas Sarwar who styles himself as a future FM in waiting? Sarwar says nothing because political the less he says the better he feels his electoral party chances are. The SNP is a mirror image of the Labour Party in terms of the influence that lgbt people have in the make-up of those parties. One argument used in the trans debate is that trans rights are human rights, that is just sloganeering, it is also not true. A human right cannot by definition, impact or take away the rights of other people to theirs. There is a school of thought which believes that 'I want' is the same as 'I am entitled', these two positions are a million miles apart. It seems abundantly clear that woman-only spaces such as changing rooms, hostels, and prisons should be organised according to sex category, and not self-assigned gender. Trans women are biologically male, and as we have seen in prison settings, this can lead to sexual assault. 

Studies show that most trans retain male genitalia. This begs the question why? There are also many that have a sexual orientation towards females. A guy in a dress who claims that he is a trans woman, and subsequently also that he is a lesbian could be seen by some as nonsense. If a trans woman who has male genitalia can say he is a lesbian, does that mean I can also say I am a lesbian? One question that I ask sometimes on twitter is this, what is the difference between a female penis and a male penis? Firstly, there is no such thing as a female penis, only males have them, only males have testicles, only males have prostates, only males produce sperm. Males also don't have a womb, males cannot give birth, and only females can give birth to babies. The trans debate hinges on using the law to basically erase hundreds of thousands of years of biological fact. This is being done by a minority attached and embedded in almost all political parties. In a previous post, I wrote about the decline of society, it is a very real thing, objectiveness and reason has been replaced by a collective madness in a left leaning, illiberal and intolerant political class. 

When the leader of the Labour Party Sir Keir Starmer won't stand up for women who are biological female adults, you know that their party is a lost cause. He says the 'issue' is complex, actually if you cannot work out the difference between a woman and a man, you cannot expect people to consider you to be Prime Minister material. If you won't protect someone's wife, and won't protect someone's daughters in women's personal spaces, then you really cannot protect this country or its people from nothing. The Marion Millar case is a 'lightening rod' for women everywhere, and it has rightly started a movement called #womenwontwheesht. 

What we have here is the intolerant minority backed by the SNP controlled Government, Police and the Crown office, using law to attempt to suppress people's right to free speech. The Marion Millar case could like the 'Cadder Case', a watershed moment for women's rights in Scotland. It is a straight forward case whether facts and truth matter. Marion Millar is a mother, she is accused of posting allegedly homophobic and transphobic material on social media in 2019 and 2020, including a tweet showing a ribbon on the purple, white and green of the suffragette movement. She was charged on June 3 under Section 127 of the 2003 Communications Act, which criminalises “grossly offensive” messages, with a “hate crime aggravator”. She is a supporter of sex-based rights for women who opposes transgender self-identification, she is seen by her critics as a trans-exclusionary radical feminist, or Terf. In a normal society would Marion Millar be charged and facing court, I would suggest many or a majority of Scots would say no. But the police are fearful, because they know that they wouldn't have the support of the SNP Government or the Crown Office. 

If the Millar case goes in front of a jury, then Marion Millar will be freed to continue her life as an adult biological female, or as most people describe her a woman. The process that she is being put through is all about suppressing her right to freedom of speech. The intolerant minority against her are abusing the law. I would suspect they even they know they will lose a case in front of a jury, so the 'real punishment' is putting her through the process. Using criminal charges to suppress free speech isn't new or specific to Scotland, you can see it being done in Australia. You are granted bail but effectively you are muzzled from speaking until after the trial. Free speech right across the board is being suppressed, a recent story on how the SNP Government is 'gagging' charities from speaking out show that the totalitarian nature of their government is a real thing indeed. Years ago, I stated that there are four main groups make the SNP, the lgbt, muslim, sein fein lite and the rich. The strongest group is the lgbt wing, they are at all levels of the party and elected positions.  

This brings us to SNP politician, Kirsty Blackman, she has retweeted a message calling for Joanna Cherry to be expelled from the party. Cherry is a lesbian, usually a protected category in the SNP, but because Cherry is a direct threat to the leadership of Nicola Sturgeon and her agenda, she is cast out. When Kirsty Blackman, the MP for Aberdeen North, retweeted the post calling for Cherry's expulsion from the SNP, you can see the dynamic being played here. Since Blackman retweeted the 'Cherry out' post, she has since deleted it because it fell afoul of the party's draconian rules to suppress free speech from within. But her rationale didn't in no way contain any apology or hint of one post removal. 

Blackman retweeted a message from an idiot which read: 

"If my party truly stands for trans rights and equality, if our stance is truly 'zero tolerance', then it has to start from within. Joanna C must be expelled from the SNP. Show the people of Scotland and the rest of the UK that 'zero tolerance' means exactly that." 

This is the exactly the type of person which embeds themselves around Nicola Sturgeon. In somewhat of an ironic statement, Deputy First Minister John Swinney called for “considered and respectful debate”. There is no debate with the SNP, they due to their intolerance only want to hear confirmation bias, their opinions agreed with. Cherry's position is very clear if you take what she is saying at face value. She says: 

"As a lesbian & a feminist I’ve spent a lifetime campaigning for equality & to be clear I support trans rights. What I don’t support is the right of any man to self-ID as a woman & access the single sex spaces which the #EqualityAct protects for women & girls. The #EqualityAct also makes it unlawful to discriminate against anyone, harass them or victimise them on the grounds of their sex, sexual orientation or beliefs & this law applies to political parties & their representatives as membership organisations." 

You might ask, why is Cherry still in the SNP, why not just flee to the Alba Party led by Alex Salmond, well aside from the trans debate, there is a wider power struggle in the SNP and Yes movement. As the clock runs down on Nicola Sturgeon as SNP leader and First Minister, she knows that Alba could merge into the SNP. Sturgeon isn't going to deliver an independence referendum, that option has been taken away completely by Westminster. As realisation within the SNP rank and file wake up to this, her position will become dire. Political parties run on three things. Money, Activists and Resources, this is what I term the 'political economy', and the SNP will see money and activists dry up. There will be an awakening by members, it will be a personal dawning for many, but it will happen. 

Finally, if Sturgeon and her 'bought and paid' Scottish Greens pass a Gender Reform Act which discriminates against woman, and that looks highly likely, Sturgeon will be faced by endless war with the women of Scotland. She will hid being bought and paid soft organisations funded by the Scottish Government. She will limit herself to stage managed events, she will disappear on foreign trips but eventually the damage to her will be too great. The Scottish public cannot go back to the old two party merry go round of Labour and SNP, nor do I think they want too. If Scottish Labour was to be the party of government, they wouldn't repeal Sturgeon's Gender Reform Act if it gets passed. This means there has to be a radical change brought in by the people, not just to change government, but to also to push for change or cancel funding for those groups/ organisations which has allowed themselves to become politicised. Many organisations are effectively acting as proxy arms of the SNP. If the people who led these organisations aren't removed, their access to national and local government and funding must be completely removed. One thing is absolutely certain #womenwontwheesht. 

Either you support women's rights or you don't, there is no middle ground!

Yours sincerely 

George Laird                                                                                                                                The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University  


  1. Hi George. This is an excellent article. I am surprised when I speak to others how ignorant they are concerning this issue although I notice it's getting a little more traction in the media now so hopefully they will wake up before it's too late. Good luck to marion millar. Harvey

  2. I no longer believe they are a minority. It looks to me like the SNP and Labour parties are now controlled by them. Why do you believe we are getting these crazy policies? and that Starmer said it is "not right" to say only women have a cervix. What else can I say?
