Thursday, December 3, 2020

The SNP Industry of Fake Hope; Scottish workers anger explodes as un-caring SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP Government fail to step up to save part Scottish Government-owned BiFab, as the renewables company files for administration, will Nicola set up another phoney SNP Task force prior to the workers hitting the job centres, we're all wise to how the SNP operate now

Dear All

One of the sick jokes that the SNP loves to pull off as part of their ongoing deceptions is saying that they are 'Stronger for Scotland', but as their record clearly shows on business and communities, everything they touch ends in disaster. Over the years, countless Scottish businesses have gotten into trouble, only to have Nicola Sturgeon turn and say she will 'save' them. To that end, the SNP hit upon the gimmick of setting up what they called 'SNP taskforces'. These taskforces however didn't save anyone, and their "help" could be best summed up as pointing people in the direction of the job centre. You may wonder, how long has the SNP using the 'taskforce' gimmick, well you can see by a web search, nearly a decade. I did a google search because the Hall's factory in Broxburn was one story which the SNP overplayed their hand, and as usual were as much use a chocolate teapot. These 'save businesses' tactics were part of a mirage that the SNP were a serious government that business could trust, especially in the run up to the indyref in 2014.

But Hall's isn't the only SNP save a business failure, post referendum, the SNP had a go at saving Tata Steel plants north of the Border, their 'help' consisted in Sturgeon's Government launching a search to find a buyer. I know what you're thinking, is that it, a search?

This year, another SNP task force got off the ground, again, headed by Nicola Sturgeon, this time to save jobs at Rolls Royce. Rolls Royce was once East Kilbride’s biggest employer, now 545 East Kilbride residents are now facing redundancy. Can Nicola Sturgeon save these jobs, the answer is no, you see despite 13 years in power, the SNP isn't interested in business or economic prosperity. You can see this by simply looking at their record, and their token interest towards it, checkout the nonsense that is Business for Scotland. Like many SNP supporting organisations it is simply a vehicle for some people to get a platform, to then go onto be SNP candidates and then politicians, they also use the charity route as well. The task force to save Rolls Royce jobs is being personally led by Nicola Sturgeon, its name, the Scottish Aerospace Task Force. So, here is my theory of how the task force will operate, it will look at the problem, realise that they can't fix it, so they will come up with the solution, that someone else should be called in to fix the problem. 

So, who would that be?

The obvious answer is Sturgeon will call on the UK government for help! Since Nicola Sturgeon isn't capable of solving the problem, the standard SNP default position is to get someone else to do their job for them. Getting other people to do their job for them is something I witnessed time and time again when I was in the SNP. The SNP cult don't like hard work, which is why they trick people into working for them as activists, while they sit back and 'manage'. The same laziness format simply moved across when they took over Government in Scotland. Rolls Royce employees should look for other jobs, save yourself because Sturgeon can't or won't due to having no experience of business. And her track record of failure isn't a well to drawn from. Rolls Royce employees are on their own, they have to get their ducks all lined up in a row.

Because the SNP wants a second referendum, we are seeing them doing the same play acting as was used prior to 2014, they think they can hoodwink business, and they think they can hoodwink the public as being competent. Covid and its restrictions have set Scotland back years, business has suffered, and many of them will go under. But before I go on, here is a link to read, because you have to understand the scale of incompetence that the SNP Government presides over. Broken promises is all the SNP have to offer people, which is our reality while they remain in Government.

Although 100 failures are listed, that isn't a full list by any means, failure by the SNP is on an industrial scale and it is very expensive for Scots and their families. In the lead up to the 2014, the SNP told all sorts of lies, one that sticks out was that 'Scotland would be the Saudi Arabia of renewables', you do remember that indy campaign which Nicola Sturgeon was put in charge of? Of course youn do, and you remember, she was the 'face of indyref' sitting on the Yes Scotland board. 6 years later, is Scotland,  the Saudi Arabia of renewables, it isn't, has it created massive wealth, no, hasn't it, did it created a major jobs boom, no, it didn't. Literally everything the SNP gets involved in goes bad. BiFab in Fife part owned by the SNP Government is believed to be on the brink of financial collapse, it also "exposes the myth" of Scotland's renewables revolution. The SNP's student union mentality of a green revolution cost Scotland dearly, Scotland is becoming an unattractive place to invest in because of the SNP Government. Burntisland Fabrications (BiFab) and the jobs of the workers will probably go to the wall, I suspect they have hit that point of no return. The yard had been operating on a skeleton staff of just 30 people and they have zero contracts on their books.

A company spokesman said: 

“BiFab can confirm that the board has agreed to place the company in administration following the Scottish Government’s decision to remove contract assurances”.

In this case, despite the uproar, I don't see Nicola Sturgeon rushing to their aid, I don't see an SNP task force rushing to the rescue either. The truth of this sorry tale is that the SNP despite all its talk has never had a proper frame work for business to prosper. The SNP model appears to be to destroy the country, destroy communities and fail to provide opportunities in jobs, and in education to train up Scots. The conclusion for the destruction of the country is that the SNP want to break it, so that their poisoned chalice of independence seems viable.

Finally, there is an alternative. There is a way to make Scotland better, create jobs, provide opportunities, and that is to vote for pro UK parties to smash the SNP monopoly. They have a stranglehold over Scotland based on deceit and illusion. Scotland doesn't have a future under the SNP, a few trinkets thrown at people like £500 to the NHS staff is contemptible. This xmas, some people will be losing their jobs, £500 would come in handy, but the money Sturgeon is tossing around would be better served helping the poorest and the vulnerable. Nicola Sturgeon turned her back on BiFab because she wants to serve a different master, and that is the EU. Politicians say, 'sacrifices have to be made', Nicola Sturgeon is willing to sacrifice you, because deep down she doesn't care about doing the right thing. She is a prophet of  false hope.

Yours sincerely

George Laird                                                                                                                        The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University 


  1. It seems that Wings Over Bath is suggesting that the SNP are so useless at getting a second vote that they should declare UDI in another election win, and he reckons there might not be a Scottish parliament in five years if they drag it out.

    He reckons UK bargaining power is too miniscule worldwide to stop this, forgetting the number of Russian diplomats expelled from multiple countries after the Skripal poisoning. He also wonders if the UK would send in tanks. Suddenly, I'm also suddenly reminded of this interesting quote of yours from post-2014 indyref:

    "If the SNP attempt to seize power by force illegally, the Scottish Parliament should be suspended and martial law declared. If a single person is killed, everyone connected with this ‘adventure’ should spend the rest of their lives in prison without possibility of parole in England. Jim Sillars, who appears to think UDI is acceptable, is placing people’s safety in jeopardy by filling their heads with dangerous nonsense. It is also highly unlikely that Police Scotland would follow the Nationalists that means for UDI to be a reality, the Nationalists would be arming a section of the civilian population. Although MP5’s and G36 machine guns are good weapons, in the hands of untrained civilians chances are there would be collateral damage to innocents."

    "In the West, the SNP leadership should also recognise how matters are dealt with when problems need to be addressed, what happened in Iraqi and Libya, in both countries, the leaders didn’t fair very well, particularly Gaddafi who was murdered in cold blood. The SAS; Special Forces are not encounter groups, they don’t do empathy, they just execute and remove threats, something for the Nationalist staffers to think about it. They don’t shoot people in the leg, they don’t do trick shooting of guns out of hands; they put two rounds in your chest to shutdown vital organs and a third in your brain."

    Food for thought.

  2. The problem is George getting the message across when the media don't and the seps are extremely good online.

  3. Spot on George.

    How the fuck can Scotland be the renewable energy capital of the world, when we can't even build the fucking infrastructure? The government cannot even get distance / blended learning for schools sorted, unlike many other countries.

    BiFab is a fucking scandal. Hiding behind so-called EU legislation? But we are about to exit the EU, and anyway France happily does this on a regular basis. And she even tried to blame Westminster!

    The Scottish Government do not have a clue about business. It's obvious that their special advisers will be paid for their support for independence, rather than their business skills.

  4. People in favour of UDI are living in cloud cuckoo land.

    Sturgeon will not declare UDI, nor will most of the senior SNP politicians, because they know it would be illegal and almost certainly cause riots. AUOB are walking a fine line (no pun intended). One person got himself jailed for trying to take the piss out of the legal system. Some say he was set up. Perhaps, but it was his own decision that got him jailed.

    There is lots of fighting talk. What is truly worrying is that some people are going to step over a big red line. We saw examples of that during the 2014 indyref. Some of it is being suggested by so-called "respectable" members of the independence movement. They call it "civil disobedience". Oh aye. Try explaining that in court.

    With Brexit, I was considering moving over to the Yes camp. Having seen the total failure of the SNP led government to deal with issue after issue has convinced me otherwise. I will never vote for this party again. Nor will I vote for the Greens. Bets I can hope for is tactical voting now to remove this disaster that is our government.

  5. Interesting that there seems to be a campaign to push your site down the search engine rankings Mr Laird....just sayin' like...

  6. Someone on a well know pro-indy site (guess?) has posted a comment stating that all those who voted "No" in 2014 were in breach of the Treaty of Union and the UN Charter on Human Rights.

    I read the post several times and the context is exactly as stated.

    Also, what's this "YesAlba" mob? Only just heard about them but they appear to be a bit on the radical side.

    Add in the mess that is the SNP and I for one do not want independence while all these clowns are around.

  7. Dear D Stewart

    "Interesting that there seems to be a campaign to push your site down the search engine rankings Mr Laird....just sayin' like..."

    Nats are an unhappy bunch, so is it surprising they act like this, my view is let them get on with it, everyone needs a hobby, never get worried by what others do, just fix your course and steam towards it regardless.

