Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Loyalty to the EU before Loyalty to Scots, SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon shows where her true loyalty lies as she abandons the workers of BiFab, Sturgeon will put EU first every time before Scotland and its national interest, the lazy and incompetent SNP have yet again failed to save an important employer, because when it comes to business, government and driving Scotland forward, they are so far out of their depth, do you think it is wise to put your job, your savings, your pension and your home in the hands of SNP, they are destroying this country now, we need to vote them out now!

Dear All

There several things you can say about SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP Government, the first and most important thing is that they are deeply incompetent. The SNP is not a party of substance, it is also a lazy party, it is a party with a limited attention span. Whereas these attributes don't matter in a party in opposition because they don't impact the lives of Scots, in government, the effect of lazy and stupid can wreck lives. Recently a company called BiFab went to the wall triggering a political argument in the Holyrood Chamber. And par for the course, inept Nicola Sturgeon raged at the opposition about how she was busy 'saving' it. She even chipped in abuse at Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard because he showed support for the workers. Ironically as she denounced the Labour leader for being pictured with the workers, Sturgeon herself 'cashed' in on her own 'selfies' for the internet.

Having previously invested in helping the company out, which amounted to the old formula of using UK taxpayer cash. The SNP then effectively abandoned the company when what they needed most was more than a cash injection. In a Question time programme many years ago, a panelist said to Nicola Sturgeon, a simple statement of fact, she isn't a wealth creator, she isn't going to get people jobs. You could see by the look on Sturgeon's face that the panelist had struck a nerve. Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP haven't the skills to build business or make Scotland attractive for new investment. You see there is no depth to the SNP leadership, we have seen this countless times, they put money into businesses or organisation then leave the real work of saving a situation to others. I have blogged before about how the SNP leadership under Nicola Sturgeon jump on a problem business, get their "selfies" taken with the workers, and then disappear. Later as per usual, the business fails or isn't able to retain the same level of workforce or generate new business but Sturgeon is long gone.  

BiFab in Fife demise is just another business that Nicola Sturgeon failed to save because as I mentioned, business needs more than money flung at it, like a human it needs support in many ways, and that support must be ongoing. Where was the ongoing support for BiFab? Where was Nicola Sturgeon brokering deals on behalf of the company? BiFab went under because of a lack of 'viability' which means they had no orders, couldn't generate business. So, here is how the SNP work, at the start 'use' the workers and company for PR purposes for Sturgeon to look good, then at her back comes Economy Secretary Fiona Hyslop to effectively deliver the bad news. The SNP Government isn't going to help BiFab, because SNP Ministers say they could no longer intervene, but the reality is, they don't want to do the long hard slog to make the company viable.

Can you name one real business that the SNP have ever saved?

I cannot, the SNP make bad choices, but more than that because they have such short term vision, all they do is peddle false hope. The SNP aren't hard to work out, they repeat the same mistakes, time and time again, and crucially, they never learn from them. The Scottish Government ploughed £37 million of public money into BiFab and became a minority shareholder, all so Nicola Sturgeon can have some soundbytes that the SNP is 'stronger for Scotland' and few selfies. £37 million of public money wasted and down the drain, if it was a one off, you could say I am being overt harsh, but BiFab being abandoned isn't the only business that has gone under after the SNP 'helped'. Given the record of failure as an SNP Education Minister, Fiona Hyslop was 'well qualified' for the fake post of Economy Secretary. I suppose you could describe her role as 'interested observer' than an actual player on the park.

The SNP is like any band of tinpot dictators love to give themselves titles, this is to justify super charging their MSP wages to max them out, and of course picking up Ministerial cars along the way. In many respects they remember me of the Russian elite who have made for themselves a privileged lifestyle, when they are in effected just glorified spokesman and women, mere puppets who aren't deciding anything. To show where the SNP's loyalty lies, Fiona Hyslop said that further funding would have contravened EU state aid laws and ministers have ruled out nationalising the firm. Firstly, this shows how the SNP under Nicola Sturgeon put loyalty to the EU above loyalty to Scots. Secondly, we have left the EU, and there is only a couple of weeks till the transition phase ends, but the key item, in my opinion is that Nicola Sturgeon has ruled out nationalising the firm.

BiFab maybe a medium size company, but the lesson to be learned is the SNP have no intention of saving businesses even if they ever manage to win a second referendum. The SNP don't believe in Scottish independence, they believe in fake independence, they believe in Scotland being ruled by the EU. The SNP believe that Scotland and its resources should be turned over for the EU to be plundered. Did you notice how quickly they were to cite that they won't help Scots because it contravened EU state aid laws. If the SNP was ever to take Scotland into the EU, no business would be protected by them, they don't believe in the Scottish national interest, nor do they eblieve in its economic security.

When questioning Fiona Ms Hyslop at Holyrood about the farce of BiFab's demise Conservative MSP Graham Simpson, said:

“We, the Scottish taxpayer, get a minority stake in the company and not even a seat in the board, and the Canadian company for £4 gets a majority of the company. It seems to me a pretty rotten deal if the taxpayer is putting in the vast amount of money, £37 million plus extra which takes it up to £52 million. You get a minority stake. The other side of the deal £4 for 67 per cent share of the company. That is a rotten deal.”

No seat on the board was because the SNP Government have no interest in having someone on the board to watch out for the UK taxpayers' investment.

Ms Hylsop said of the failure:

“What we were bringing in was their (DF Barnes) expertise, their acumen, their knowledge of the market, that they would be the board that could run the company, that we would not be directly involved in running the company, they would be responsible for that.”

The SNP love to blame others for their shortcomings, they also love that other people do their work for them, the SNP Government could be described a 'cut and paste' government, a government that follows others less they be judged. They always want to have a scapegoat, the current coronavirus of lacking behind Boris Johnson's decisions is a clear textbook example of how they operate. So, this xmas, the workers of BiFab will get their P45 in their xmas stocking, it will be a bleak xmas and new year for the workers. Jobs are hard to find in their line of work, so these people maybe unemployed for quite a long time. Next year, Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP say they are going to hold a second independence, that is of course a lie. Next year, there will be no indyref 2, the SNP want to do their usual trick and fool the gullible into voting for them. 2019, they stood for election for Westminster on a platform that they would stop Brexit, they didn't, and importantly they knew they weren't going to stop Brexit. So, what was the SNP real motivate in that 2019 election? Quite simple really to work out, they wanted Westminster to provide them with what is called 'short money' to bankroll the party. At Westminster, just like at BiFab, the SNP performs badly and uses UK taxpayer money while doing so.

Finally, there will be no indyref 2 next year, but that won't stop the SNP selling that lie to the Scottish public and its supporters. Nationalists need to wake up to the fact that the SNP is a protest party, it's not a party of government. They need to wake up to the what passes for quality of candidates and politicians in the party. That journey may have already begun due to the Salmond Affair where Nicola Sturgeon's SNP government attempted to 'stitch up' the former First Minster of Scotland. In that episode, the SNP's Government incompetence was plain to see and like everything they touch doomed to failure. Do you think, it is wise to put your job, your savings, your pension and your home in the hands of SNP if they achieved independence? Maybe you should take a trip to BiFab in Fife and ask the workers of the company that has gone under, how they rate the SNP Government performance, firsthand knowledge always the best source of information!

Yours sincerely

George Laird                                                                                                                        The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. "there will be no indyref 2 next year, but that won't stop the SNP selling that lie to the Scottish public and its supporters"

    Damn straight. If she pulled it off the table, most of the noisy, bigoted zoomers would rip her to shreds, but with Alex Salmond riding on the shoulders of fate, she needn't have bothered.

  2. I hope the other parties get their act together before the up and coming election.

  3. If you believe some of the more delusional independence supporters, next May's election has to be a plebiscite indyref election - no other policies, nothing but a commitment to holding the referendum. None of them are demanding answers on BiFab, even the ones who are currently against Sturgeon.

    I'll give Salmond his due as he was an economist. Our current Finance Secretary has some accounts experience but no relevant qualifications. Sturgeon has a degree in law. Wow. Cherry at least is a QC, although she cannot answer the currency question, and again I don't hear anything about BiFab. As for the current Business Minister... a graduate of history and politics. I cannot find any record of commercial experience outside of politics.

    Remember when Sturgeon declared a "climate emergency", and her supporters crowing how Scotland will be the Saudi Arabia of renewable energy? We can't even build the fucking windfarms!

    I've racked my brains and you are right George, I cannot think of a single business success.
