Monday, May 29, 2017

Nicola Sturgeon - The Andrew Neil Interviews GE2017, owned like a cheap suit, Sturgeon struggles to defend weak SNP positions on anything and everything


  1. Glad to see it. By the way, George, what do you think of Corbyn and May at the moment? Seems to be hotting up right now!

  2. Hi Al C

    I think as we reach the closing stages, the result isn't looking as clear cut as perhaps the Conservatives had hoped for, the polls will slide in either direction, but many people I speak to say it will be close.

    In Scotland, the situation is different due to the SNP, and certain factors to do with Labour and Scottish Conservatives. In some areas, the Conservative campaign is effectively nil. In Glasgow, GNE and GNW appear to me to have paper candidates as everyone is sucked into East Renfrewshire which is effectively being run as a by-election. This isn't a secret, you can see by the East Renfrewshire Conservative pictures exactly what is going on.

    Basically, everything is there to play for, and the major loser in Scotland is the SNP, which is why they are using the same tactic talking up the Conservatives, however bit of a flaw there as they didn't expect the rise in their vote.


  3. That's the confusing thing I think. Polls go haywire, and it makes a good story in the press too. However, though I've considered a Labour win a possibility, I'm still sceptical. For one thing, the Tories have delivered the EU referendum and Brexit, and now I think that's what'll be on people's minds. Negotiating Brexit. But at this stage, who knows?

  4. The SNP waited 9 days before the election to release their manifesto. Absolute pathetic behaviour. They waited till all the other political parties released their manifesto, then double checked and changed their manifesto to make sure there were no conflicts. Complete amateurs, they shame Scotland. How anyone can vote for these lunatics is beyond me.

  5. I saw Sturgeon being interviewed by Kirsty Wark on Newsnight last night (Wed 31 May). I thought Wark gave her a fairly easy ride, but Sturgeon came across as angry and condescending that Wark should dare to question the SNP's poor record in government. How anyone likes Sturgeon or can vote for the SNP is beyond me.
