Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Lord Gill makes the compelling case for a review of corroboration abolition plan, Scotland’s unfit for purpose Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill is deaf, blind and stupid; he thinks he can outrun the bad smell of Al Megrahi’s release, tainted for all time

Dear All

Thinks just keep getting worse for Scotland’s inept and unfit for purpose Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill.

Can’t outrun Megrahi legacy, can’t run the Justice brief to a satisfactory standard, and doesn’t give a hoot about Human Rights and a fair trial.

In the most damning situation yet, Scotland’s most senior judge has urged politicians to pull plans to abolish corroboration out of the current justice bill.

Lord Gill, the Lord President along with the rest of the Scottish population believes in a fair trail, it is a cornerstone of society.

He rightly warns there would be unforeseen consequences of the Scottish Government’s plans to end the requirement for two independent pieces of evidence to bring a case to court.

No criminal case should solely rest on who tells a better story, however that is what the Scottish National Party’s Justice Minister is planning.

What about safeguards?

MacAskill has watered down safeguards which fall far below standards in other countries.

In short, Kenny MacAskill is a useless git.

At the Scottish Parliament justice committee, Margaret Mitchell MSP asked Lord Gill:

“Is there an argument for taking this whole issue out of the bill and a commission looking at it in depth?”

Lord Gill replied:

“That’s what I would suggest myself. That would be a very good way out of our difficulty here, then a balanced judgement could be reached.”

He added:

“The risk is if the prosecution does not need corroboration it will not go looking for it - we’ve got the complainer, the complainer’s word may be enough. Going looking for corroboration is costly in terms of police time and resources, when you are dealing with scarce resources it would be unfortunate if economies were made in that direction. Just imagine a prosecution brought without corroboration, if a defence can show that corroboration might have been available that’s a very powerful defence.”

We now have a Conservative standing up for Scotland against a party which claim to stand for fairness, equality and social justice.

Gosh that sentence is an eye opener, best to state that again.

We now have a Conservative standing up for Scotland against a party which claim to stand for fairness, equality and social justice.

Lord Gill also added:

“There’s a very fear there will be even fewer convictions, for reasons I’ve already given.”

The Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland QC, the head of the prosecution service who is now politicised by his frequent Cabinet Meetings has spoke in favour of the proposed abolition.

Mulholland should be removed from the prosecution service by the next Labour administration so as to clean house.

Trust is a major issue for the Scottish National Party, the most right wing party to get elected to public office on the back of claiming to be left wing.

These people have conned so many people, they need to go.

In the name of God go now for all the good you have done!

Alex Salmond loaded his Cabinet with his cronies, we are now paying the price, justice has beenSacrificed �t outD w M g � h'� cy, can’t run the Justice brief to a satisfactory standard, and doesn’t give a hoot about Human Rights and a fair trial.

In the most damning situation yet, Scotland’s most senior judge has urged politicians to pull plans to abolish corroboration out of the current justice bill.

Lord Gill, the Lord President along with the rest of the Scottish population believes in a fair trail, it is a cornerstone of society.

He rightly warns there would be unforeseen consequences of the Scottish Government’s plans to end the requirement for two independent pieces of evidence to bring a case to court.

No criminal case should solely rest on who tells a better story, however that is what the Scottish National Party’s Justice Minister is planning.

What about safeguards?

MacAskill has watered down safeguards which fall far below standards in other countries.

In short, Kenny MacAskill is a useless git.

At the Scottish Parliament justice committee, Margaret Mitchell MSP asked Lord Gill:

“Is there an argument for taking this whole issue out of the bill and a commission looking at it in depth?”

Lord Gill replied:

“That’s what I would suggest myself. That would be a very good way out of our difficulty here, then a balanced judgement could be reached.”

He added:

“The risk is if the prosecution does not need corroboration it will not go looking for it - we’ve got the complainer, the complainer’s word may be enough. Going looking for corroboration is costly in terms of police time and resources, when you are dealing with scarce resources it would be unfortunate if economies were made in that direction. Just imagine a prosecution brought without corroboration, if a defence can show that corroboration might have been available that’s a very powerful defence.”

We now have a Conservative standing up for Scotland against a party which claim to stand for fairness, equality and social justice.

Gosh that sentence is an eye opener, best to state that again.

We now have a Conservative standing up for Scotland against a party which claim to stand for fairness, equality and social justice.

Lord Gill also added:

“There’s a very fear there will be even fewer convictions, for reasons I’ve already given.”

The Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland QC, the head of the prosecution service who is now politicised by his frequent Cabinet Meetings has spoke in favour of the proposed abolition.

Mulholland should be removed from the prosecution service by the next Labour administration so as to clean house.

Trust is a major issue for the Scottish National Party, the most right wing party to get elected to public office on the back of claiming to be left wing.

These people have conned so many people, they need to go, justice has been sacrificed and for what?

In the name of God, go now for all the good you have done!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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