Saturday, November 23, 2013

Another disaster at Yes Scotland, the three-month probe by Police Scotland fails to find evidence at all that Yes Scotland emails were hacked, is it time to hire an A team, the Team Salmond and Team Sturgeon cronies are embarrassingly incapable

Dear All

Do you remember the outrage when Alex Salmond got on his high horse and said that allegations that emails from the official pro-independence campaign have been hacked where "very serious" if true?

Well, it seems that that Police have found no evidence that Yes Scotland's emails were illegally hacked.

What does that mean?

Well, it means that the SNP crony ridden campaign down at Hope Street Glasgow are all now looking rather silly….. again.

Yes Scotland, the SNP front isn’t staffed by the ‘best of the best’, there are no ‘Top Guns’, there is no A team there.

For the last three months officers have been investigating after Blair Jenkins called in the Police, he said that the group's email accounts were attacked by "a force or forces unknown".

And in a statement to highlight his heightened sense of ‘fear’ he added that this was an assault on democracy that had disrupted the independence campaign.

Where’s the evidence Blair, assumption it appears has replaced fact in the Nationalist ranks.

Detective Superintendent Steven Wilson said:

"Police ­Scotland has investigated a complaint regarding unauthorised access to a private email account where communications with Yes Scotland were illegally accessed. Inquiries to date have revealed no indication the access of this material was the primary motive of the culprit. Yes Scotland has assisted Police Scotland at every stage of the inquiry, which continues in relation to the offence committed against the private individual."

The Better Together campaign accused the Yes campaign of wasting police time.

A spokesman said:

"Under serious pressure over the damaging allegations contained in the leaked emails, the First Minister implied media involvement in hacking the email accounts of the independence campaign and threatened serious repercussions for the media. Blair Jenkins then claimed they had been subject of a sinister criminal attack. The reality is this was a deliberate and cynical attempt to deflect attention away from the fact the Yes campaign had been caught deceiving Scots. This has been an extraordinary waste of police time."

And that ends another glorious chapter in the failed Yes Campaign run by the cronies of Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond and Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

Finally we should all remember that the claims coincided with ­revelations that constitutional expert Dr Elliot Bulmer had been paid by Yes Scotland following an article he wrote for The Herald.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. "Inquiries to date have revealed no indication the access of this material was the primary motive of the culprit."

    So it was hacked then. Although the true motive of the culprit is still being investigated

    "Yes Scotland has assisted Police Scotland at every stage of the inquiry, which continues in relation to the offence committed against the private individual."

    Inquiry still ongoing so too early to judge on final outcome and real motives. Maybe something more sinister....leaving trojan horse type virus or something similar ?

    I think you've been hoist by your own petard George.
    And have very poor reading and comprehension skills.
