Thursday, September 5, 2013

Scottish independence: Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon sees Holyrood use their rules to penalise disgraced Nationalist MSP Bill Walker, 90% cut in salary if jailed, and no visits from Nicola or Alex, ‘Bravehearts’ falling apart

Dear All

It seems that Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minster Nicola Sturgeon’s close colleague and Nationalist MSP Bill Walker faces a double whammy.

It is possibly that Walker could end up behind bars and also lose 90% of his salary while slammed up.

Disgraced Nationalist MSP Bill Walker has a few quid.

At present there is a campaign to try and force him from public office; it seems that publicly the Holyrood MSPs want him out.

Bill Walker on the other hand wants to stay on, despite being found guilty of guilty of 23 charges.

The case against him was pretty much as damning as it gets.

Oh how I remember Bill Walker saying that some of his SNP MSP colleagues were backing him behind the scenes.

Although 90 MSPs have backed a motion to say he should go, Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon hasn’t signed it.

Remember Ms. Sturgeon said quite clearly that domestic violence made her ‘sick to her stomach’.

And Nicola Sturgeon hasn’t signed the Holyrood motion.

Remember Ms. Sturgeon said quite clearly that domestic violence made her ‘sick to her stomach’.

And Nicola Sturgeon hasn’t signed the Holyrood motion.

No; there isn’t a mistake above, just making sure you grasp the point about the full extent of a publicly declared ‘sickness’ that Ms. Sturgeon is feeling at present!

Does the ‘sickness’ affecting her ability to write her name?

The SNP controlled Holyrood's management team, the corporate body, has recommended the move which must be ratified by MSPs.

They must want the spotlight to remain on Bill Walker and away from Nicola Sturgeon’s Office and the SNP HQ run by Nicola Sturgeon’s husband Peter Murrell.

What a great pity for Ms. Sturgeon, the ‘face of independence’ who is desperately trying to win over the women’s vote that her 'friend' was smashing in the faces of women, a bit hard to stand in front of women now.

And where is the Scottish Government’s deflection campaign on domestic violence against women to show that Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon ‘care’?

Is it too raw for Nicola?

Is it too close to Nicola Sturgeon’s office?

Is there not enough ‘blue water’ between Bill Walker and Nicola Sturgeon?

The maximum sentence facing Walker is 12 months imprisonment, and with time off for good behaviour and a possibly move to an open prison, Walker may not serve that long behind bars.

SNP soft touch policy on crime!  

Heading up the stopping of the pay of Walker is parliament's presiding officer, Tricia Marwick.

She said in a letter:

"From reviewing the core functions of a member as set out in the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) paper, we recommend that 90% of salary should be withheld for the duration of imprisonment. I shall therefore be seeking the parliamentary bureau's agreement to bring forward a resolution before parliament next week to amend the salary scheme. In recommending this course of action to parliament, it should be made clear we do not seek to encroach upon the role of the courts. Our approach should in no way be interpreted as a punishment that is for the courts."

Quite so ma’am!

Another interesting statement is that it was stressed that planned action would not single Walker out - the rule would apply to all MSPs.

There is only one MSP currently facing prison.

If Holyrood thinks that Bill Walker will leave then I would suggest they don’t know Bill Walker, Nicola Sturgeon does, she knows him well; old comrades, buddies, fighters for ‘Scotland’, ‘yours for Scotland’ types and both have a few quid well tucked away.

Bill Walker will be back, instead of letting others campaign to get him to resign, they jumped on the bandwagon, and Walker won’t forget that, expect Bill Walker to cheer very loudly when Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon speak on independence issues.

Yours sincerely

George Laird 
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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