Monday, May 13, 2013

Scottish Independence: Left to die in Alex Salmond’s Scotland, another Cancer victim has to spend £3,000 a month on drugs or die, Nicola Sturgeon’s incompetence as Health Sec brutally exposed, she never ended postcode lottery!

Dear All

Currently Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minster is reaching out to try and 'bribe' women on the issues of benefits.

Nicola Sturgeon is painting a picture of nirvana, she can’t win independence having lost the argument so it down to plain squalid petty bribery.

In a keynote speech in Glasgow today, Ms. Sturgeon will argue there is a "natural majority" for independence.

That is a lie; recent polling shows that the Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon vision has been categorically rejected by the Scottish public.

In selling the lie, Ms Sturgeon is in effect treating Scotls in the same manner as English SNP MP Angus Robertson…. It’s the old too stupid mentality, the joke is on her, we see right through her like a sheet of glass.

It’s No to Indy!

If Scotland was to vote for independence, it wouldn’t be a “wealthier and fairer country" as she suggests for ordinary Scottish people, but just for her and her cronies in the Scottish National Party.

As Health Sec, Nicola Sturgeon did a good job of presenting the Scottish NHS as a flagship policy, Salmond did his “rocks will melt in the sun” speech and people fell for it.

It was a con!

A woman fighting cancer is paying £3,000 a month to stay alive in Scotland; because the Scottish NHS refuses to pay for a vital drug that could prolong her life.

June Rankin, who is suffering from bowel cancer, has been told that tumour-shrinking drug cetuximab could prolong her life or possibly even rid her of the disease.

She can get the drug if she was a patient in England and much for a ‘fairer Society’.

This is the legacy of Nicola Sturgeon as Health Sec, ordinary Scottish people having to raid their life savings to buy the drug privately; it costs £720 a week.

Nicola Sturgeon left the health portfolio before the cracks of her disastrous leadership came to the surface so she could enter the independence debate as the face of independence, a ‘clean skin’.

Mrs. Rankin’s tumours have started to shrink after two months of the treatment, however, the SNP Government who control NHS Ayrshire and Arran still refuse to buy the drug for her and they are doing nothing.

This is the society that Scotland is heading for by voting for independence, it isn’t going to be wealthier, fairer or just under Salmond and Sturgeon.

SNP health is a flagship policy?

Mrs Rankin is a victim of a postcode lottery because Nicola Sturgeon hasn’t done her job properly.

The mother-of-two, said:

“The difference cetuximab has made to my life is like night and day. My life had become intolerable before and I just wanted to sleep all day because of my illness.  Now I feel like I have been given a second chance. But having to pay for my own treatment is a disgrace.”

Blame Nicola Sturgeon; let’s put the blame where the blame belongs.

June’s husband, a driving instructor, added:

“We’ve been working and paying tax all our lives. We’ve got more than 80 years of contributions between us, yet they turn their backs and deny us hope. Now I feel like I have been given a second chance. But having to pay for my own treatment is a disgrace”.

Under the inept and incompetence of Nicola Sturgeon, the NHS in Scotland spends millions to dish out free prescriptions for Viagra, toothpaste and sunscreen.

 Mark Flannagan, of Beating Bowel Cancer, said:

“The Scottish Government needs to urgently address the postcode lottery that patients in Scotland are experiencing”.

Ayrshire’s Labour MSP Graeme Pearson said:

“The system has failed Mrs Rankin at every stage.”

This is the legacy of the SNP, everything is about independence, the SNP Government is paralysed, the SNP MSPs don’t speak out; Alex Salmond doesn’t care about the plight of people like June Rankin.

And Nicola Sturgeon is emerging as the front runner to take over the SNP after the independence defeat, expect Scotland to become more unfair, unjust and worse off, her nasty vile clique aren’t terribly smart.

In order to cover up the scandal and minimise the damage, Health Secretary Alex Neil ordered an urgent inquiry and he added:

“It disappoints me that the family’s experience and support has fallen short of what they have expected.”

So, June Rankin joins the list of women who have been failed by Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister, a list that is growing because Nicola Sturgeon wasn't capable of doing a good job as Health Sec.

Maybe Nicola Sturgeon will pop into her local NHS and stock up on the freebies on offer, Viagra, toothpaste and sunscreen.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Blatant bribery. It gives a sort of sick feeling in the stomach.
