Thursday, April 25, 2013

Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon joins Angus Robertson in muckraking of a Better Together donation, angry wee Nat et al talk of ‘morality’ when SNP released biggest mass murderer in Scottish prison history

Dear All

The Scottish independence campaign has collapsed, the SNP is desperate; the people are turning their backs on Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon.

 Despite claiming that they are running a ‘positive’ campaign, it is hardly the case.

At present the SNP are seizing on anything to try and discredit Better Together.

The latest is the row over political donations by the head of oil trader Vitol.

 The issue was raised at Prime Minister's Questions by the SNP.

Angus Robertson, the English SNP MP is leading the charge.

And has questioned whether it was appropriate for David Cameron to accept donations from the head of the company, Ian Taylor.

The simple answer is yes, he is a businessman, and incase Mr. Roberston doesn’t get it; in business you don’t always do business with ‘nice people’.

As well as Robertson joining the ‘hunt’, Scotland’s angry wee Nat, Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has joined in.

Because as the ‘face of independence’ she thinks her utterances carry some weight, and she is looking increasingly desperate these days for some kind of success.

Sturgeon is calling for the no campaign to return the money. 

As well as asking for the money to be returned, she wants an investigation.

It’s a sick joke, Nicola Sturgeon calling for an investigation.

Does Ms. Sturgeon have any evidence of wrong doing?

If she does, has she been to the Police?

I don’t think she has any real evidence, and sadly the authorities don’t do witch hunts based on party political gossip.

Business abroad sometimes involves having to make payments; it is as old as prostitution.

As well as the Better Together donation, Mr. taylor has given money to the Conservative Party.

At Westminster, David Cameron isn’t on friendly terms with the SNP.

Apparently there is a video which possibly looks like Cameron silently mouthing to Angus Robertson, ‘will you fuck off’!

The SNP is questioning the morality of accepting Taylor’s money.

Could they not turn that forensic microscope onto themselves for a moment, the SNP leadership stinks to high heaven, it isn’t the case that ‘decent people’ are standing up for what is right.

Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell aren’t decent people, not by my definition; they have turned the SNP into a ‘rat ship’.

If Ian Taylor wishes to donate to something he believes in that is entirely his affair.

Angus Robertson and the SNP aren’t Defenders of Justice, they are just latching onto anything to try and shift support which has firmly moved away from them.

The SNP are running an ill-judged, bad tempered, nasty, vile, crony ridden campaign and no amount of smoke and mirrors will change that in the minds of the public.

And less we forget, it was the Scottish National Party which released the biggest mass murderer and terrorist ever held in a Scottish Prison.

And they are talking about morality?

Many people saw the release of Megrahi as being all about securing the minority vote for Nicola Sturgeon in Glasgow Southside.

Many people saw the release of Megrahi as being all about sticking two fingers up to Westminster.

In Mr. Taylor’s case there is no suggestion that he has breached any law.

Angus Robertson is just muckraking, using Parliament to attack a man who doesn’t get the same opportunity to defend himself.

Where’s the morality in that?

David Cameron said it was "regrettable that the Hon Gentleman tries to play some sort of political card".

This story is chip paper wrapper material, Angus Robertson has no gravitas, and Nicola Sturgeon intervention is just comical.

To put Nicola Sturgeon into context, here is what she said:

“My conviction that Scotland should be independent stems from the principles, not of identity or nationality, but of democracy and social justice”.

Then she fucked off and left Joyce Juszczak to die, Joyce lost a third of a kidney before she got the drug she needed.

Nicola Sturgeon done the photo op, then bailed on her.


Sturgeon already is as bankrupt as the Scottish independence campaign she is running, the fear oozes out of her and Alex Salmond.

As to Englishman Angus Robertson, certainly not one of life’s great thinkers, just a pasty playing petty politics!

Is that all you’ve got Angus?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Two things.

    Firstly, you haven't seen dirty until Scotland's homophobe in chief, Brian Souter, decides if he is going to give money to Yes Scotland. If he does, just watch Lamont, Curran et all flap their gums in the style of Sturgeon. Ever heard the phrase "get your retaliation in first".

    Secondly, for someone who campaigns on Human Rights it seems strange that you refer to Mr Megrahi as Scotland's biggest mass murderer. I would have though that the discrepancies and issues surrounding Scot's law that came up in this case would have interested you, as well as the gaping holes in the prosecution's arguments. Rather than the biggest mass murderer in Scottish legal history, Megrahi is rather unfortunately the victim of Scotland's biggest miscarrage of justice. Try looking at Syria for the true perpetrators.

  2. Dear Allan

    “Firstly, you haven't seen dirty until Scotland's homophobe in chief, Brian Souter, decides if he is going to give money to Yes Scotland. If he does, just watch Lamont, Curran et all flap their gums in the style of Sturgeon. Ever heard the phrase "get your retaliation in first".

    If Souter decides to give money, like Ian Taylor that is his affair, just as I won’t join the SNP ‘show’ to demonise Taylor, I won’t do it for Souter. He has strong beliefs, whether you or the public agree with them is another matter.

    “Secondly, for someone who campaigns on Human Rights it seems strange that you refer to Mr Megrahi as Scotland's biggest mass murderer. I would have thought that the discrepancies and issues surrounding Scot's law that came up in this case would have interested you, as well as the gaping holes in the prosecution's arguments”.

    It did, I blogged on them, however, until a matter is heard in a court of law, he still remains Scotland's biggest mass murderer freed from a Scottish jail by the SNP.

    “Rather than the biggest mass murderer in Scottish legal history, Megrahi is rather unfortunately the victim of Scotland's biggest miscarriage of justice. Try looking at Syria for the true perpetrators”.

    Given a verdict has been rendered; I don’t think the Police will be looking in that direction, however, if you have actual evidence you should send it off to the relevant authorities.

    You may also remember Salmond and MacAskill said that Scottish Courts delivered the right verdict, but then I suspect they would defend the establishment regardless.

    I have no faith in them.

    At any level!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
