Monday, April 18, 2011

Tory Annabel Goldie says she will stay on to ‘groom’ Derek Brownlee as her successor, is that a sick joke on her part?

Dear All

What’s this, what’s this?

Annabel Goldie intends to carry on as leader of the Scottish Tory MSPs in a bid to groom a younger colleague for the job!

Who is this leader in waiting?

Derek Brownlee!

Brownlee as leader is a heavy ask for the public to accept, he has all the charisma of having your nuts trapped in a vice!

Goldie who is facing public political execution after the Holyrood election is trying to hang on like the despot Egyptian leader Mubarak.

It’s the rope Goldie, Tories have been cutting up the bed sheets and fashioning crosses wrapped in cloth for a hanging or burning at the political stake.

Tickets from the usual sources and BBQ thrown in!

Derek Brownlee is allegedly dubbed the “wee genius”.

That’s a stretch.

Sticking Brownlee in as leader is the equivalent of sticking in Michael Howard as leader.

He famously said:

“Are you thinking what I am thinking”!

Every time I heard that I screamed out, ‘wanker’!

Followed by point my index finger at the television naturally!

Goldie’s road to the gallows started with purpose when the Sanderson Commission concluded the Tories had a “weak” leadership structure.

Annabel Goldie who played the mad loveable auntie in Holyrood using the guise of ‘principled’ opposition found out that didn’t cut the mustard either within or out of the party.

She brought nothing to the table leadership wise.

People were deserting their posts and not wanting to stand under leadership.

Recently a councillor in her own area defected to Red Tories (Labour).

The debacle of David Meikle, who refused to sign papers for the regional list because of allegations of vote rigging, was a signpost to defeat for her!

A Goldie aide and former publicly unelectable candidate Ruth Davidson was parachuted into taking another person seat of them as the top Tory was fired in the interests of the party.

A despicable act pure Scottish Tory.

So Goldie is going to ‘groom’ Derek Brownlee who looks like a Capt Mainwaring character or Penfold type depending on your age!

Brownlee looks like a clown in a cheap suit.

Who gives a shit what he says!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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