Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tommy Sheridan sentenced to three years in prison; Lord Bracadale gives him a light sentence, mini protest as supporters shout “solidarity” in court

Dear All

Wednesday 26th January 2011.

Former Scottish Socialist Party leader Tommy Sheridan has been jailed for three years for perjury.

He is in disgrace.

On the bright side the sentence means that Sheridan is likely to serve 18 months or less before being released.

Outside the court Gail Sheridan said:

“The real reason why he has been imprisoned today is because he has fought injustice and inequality with every beat of his heart”

Actually, it was because he was fibbing his head off in a Court of Law, nothing to do with fighting injustice and nothing to do with fighting inequality.

His ‘crime’ was allowing his ego to get in the way of sound judgement.

Lord Bracadale through-out this trial has impressed me and given the circumstances he has done Sheridan a favour by giving him a light sentence.

The judge said he had not taken Sheridan's previous convictions into account as he had judged that they were not relevant to the perjury trial

What a terribly nice judge.

Sheridan listened to the judge's comments in silence which was the first smart thing I have heard he done during this trial.

And he kept his mitigation plea to 40 minutes.

We should remember that talking dug Sheridan the hole he is currently in.

After the judge finished talking, dock officers moved in to handcuffed the prisoner.

The politician's family including his wife Gail and some supporters stood in unison with clenched fists and shouted "solidarity".

Presumably they think Sheridan is a political prisoner, he isn’t.

The judge made some interesting comments in his summing up:

"You led the Scottish Socialist Party to considerable electoral success and your contributions to the anti-poll tax campaign and the abolition of warrant sales will become part of the fabric of Scottish social and political history”.

"By pursuing, and persisting in the pursuit of, a defamation action against the proprietors of the News of the World you brought the walls of the temple crashing down not only on your own head but also on the heads of your family and your political friends and foes alike”.

"You were repeatedly warned by the comrades that it would come to this."

"You went on to commit perjury in the course of successfully pursuing that action, as a result of which you were awarded a very large sum of damages.

"In these circumstances the only appropriate sentence, as you yourself recognise, is one of imprisonment."

Afterwards in the cold light of day outside Gail Sheridan said:

"Tommy has dedicated his life to helping others. The real reason why he has been imprisoned today is because he has fought injustice and inequality with every beat of his heart. But it won't be long before Tommy is back - stronger and continuing the fight."

Awhile ago, I bumped into someone who does work for the NOTW, he asked me what I thought of the case.

I said that “Tommy Sheridan was completely f*cked,” he disagreed with me.

George Laird was right again.

Tommy Sheridan was completely f*cked.

By his own actions and words!

And just when you think it is all over, there maybe an appeal in the offing!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Great news, only wish his Tart of a Wife, was incarcerated with him! How she escaped Justice, I've no idea! Now she's talking about running for the Scottish Parliament - God help us! What a pair of incompetent, politically naive, shameless exhibionists - GO AWAY PLEASE, FOR EVER!

  2. I agree with Mr Laird and anonymous poster above

    I was also delighted to see the Hollie Grieg poster there .
