Friday, January 21, 2011

The man who would be ‘Spin’ Andy Coulson resigns as Number 10 communications chief, last act does a Jo Moore and sneaks off under cover of Blair!

Dear All

The Prime Minister's communications chief Andy Coulson has resigned.

Prior to that Andy Coulson had David Cameron’s 100% public support.

What the percentage in private was, we will probably never know.

Coulson has resigned blaming coverage of the News of the World phone hacking scandal.

When Cameron brought in Coulson I have to say I was surprised, I thought it would end badly and it has.

Matters haven’t been helped by the drip drip of court cases and out of court settlements of people who had their phones bugged.

And then the cream on the cake, the Tommy Sheridan Trial!

Coulson was editor of the News of the World in 2007 when its royal editor, Clive Goodman, was jailed for conspiracy to access phone messages. Private investigator Glenn Mulcaire was jailed for six months on the same charge.

It seems while people all around him where hacking at the News of the World, Coulson knew nothing.

‘I know nothing’!

Labour leader Ed Miliband said:

"We think he should have gone earlier, he has now done the right thing. I think there are questions about David Cameron's judgement about hanging on to him as long as he did."

And also Coulson has done a Jo Moore waiting for a shit storm to erupt before slipping away quietly out the back door.

The Alan Johnson Scandal and Blair at the Iraq Inquiry!

Labour MP Tom Watson said:

"It's a mark of the man that he would sneak out a statement on a Friday morning on a busy news day. Spin and obfuscation is all we get from Downing Street - we need to get to the truth."

Andy Coulson was damaged goods after his appearance at the Tommy Sheridan; the continued courts cases against the News of the World didn’t help either.

The Golden Rule of being a Spin Doctor is not to become the story.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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