Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Look forward to the future by all means but remember the past, Glasgow University Child Sex Beast and Rape Planner Andrew Byrne deserves his fate

Dear All

It is a new year but we shouldn’t forget about the past.

So, in that vain let us remember Glasgow University Child Sex Beast and Rape Planner Andrew Byrne.

He was an evil internet predator who carried out a catalogue of abuse against kids.

His perversion was endless as he groomed 250 youngsters to become Glasgow University's greatest sexual predator.

Glasgow University Andrew Byrne preyed on children of both sexes.

One as young as 8 years old!

Detective Inspector Charlie Mitchell said:

"He was a machine and he was prolific”.

You could add he had a Glasgow University mentality in how he abused children, there to be used and abused.

Mitchell added:

"We have spoken to almost 250 kids across the UK who he has committed some form of online offence against.

"His offending was escalating and it would have got worse."

In this respect Andrew Byrne displayed a typical Glasgow University senior management trait in stalking a victim, drawing others to assist and honing the abuse.

Byrne was involved in planning a rape with another male against a girl; luckily he got caught before it happened.

One Glasgow University sex beast locked up but a campus full of fiends with other perversions still free to prey on victims with a green light from the very top of the institution.

Corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli currently Principal is a ‘Protector of Predators’.

One Campus, Many Perverts!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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