Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Former Tory MSP Phil Gallie dies aged 71; he brought much colour to the Holyrood Parliament, which is so sadly lacking, Scottish Politics loss

Dear All

The former Conservative MSP and MP, Phil Gallie, has died at the age of 71.

I best remember him as a Tory law and order type of the old school.

‘Jail them all, let God sort them out’.

Gallie represented the South of Scotland for eight years at Holyrood from 1999, also served as MP for Ayr from 1992 until 1997.

By any means he had a good career in politics.

Phil Gallie died suddenly on Monday night and I am sure people will wish his family all the best in this difficult time.

Paying tribute, Scottish Tory leader Annabel Goldie, said:

"Phil was that rare breed of politician - admired by friend and foe alike and a tireless advocate for the people of his beloved Ayr, his party and Scotland. No one who knew Phil will ever forget the passion and enthusiasm he brought to everything he did."

He was a politician when so many are robotic cannon fodder, when he had an opinion he said it.

Goldie added:

"He leaves a gap in our lives. I have lost a friend and Scotland has lost a shining example of a true public servant, someone who cared deeply about people and loved his country."

A well-liked figure at Holyrood, he caused some controversy in 2002 when he refused to officially declare his long-standing membership of the Freemasons.

Mr Gallie is survived by his children, Kirsteen and Craig, and grandchildren.

A bit of a shock, he was one of those people you thought would be around forever.

Sad day for his family and politics!

And Holyrood is desperate in need of some colourful and outspoken advocates like Gallie.

Didn’t like his politics but liked his passion for his cause.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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