Saturday, January 29, 2011

Egypt is a battleground as Mubarak regime stalls, the State has to right itself by giving people a future, the same applies to corrupt Britain

Dear All

It seems that the Middle East is becoming more unstable and volatile as people are rising up against their governments.

The latest flash point is Egypt.

Days of tension finally erupted like a volcano which has lead to all-out rioting.

Is it people power or something more sinister?

The military are now on the streets as the flame of revolution spread from Tunisia.

The Egyptian capital Cairo is a dangerous place, engulfed by smoke and tear gas as people set light to the Government’s party headquarters.

It is a modern day battleground between the State and the people.

After Friday prayers finished the riot kicked off with at least 10 people killed.

Police and soldiers fired tear gas and used tanks and armoured cars to disperse crowds.

The protestors have one thing in common; they want the reign of President Hosni Mubarak who has held office for 31-years to end.

The Government is on the verge of collapsing as Mubarak has dismissed his Cabinet in a tactical move to appease the protestors.

But he has a problem will the military and the Police jump onto the side of the protestors? There seems to be reluctance on their part to side with the government.

One thing is certain, rule of law cannot be allowed to collapse or the entire country will be plunged into darkness.

Mubarak has to step down and new election held; that way the democratic process can right the country.

Is bad?

When the State imposes curfews, it shows a sense of desperation akin to panic.

Protests have broken out in 11 of Egypt’s 28 provinces and it are set to spread.

Suez has experienced some of the most serious violence; people have seized weapons stored in a police station.

And burned down the building as well as 20 police trucks parked nearby.

Violent demonstrators exchanged fire with policemen trying to stop them from storming another police station leading to the death of one killed in the gun battle.

So, what is the West doing?

They seem to be taking a back seat and sitting on the fence leaning towards the protestors.

It is if the West wants the current government to fall.

Prime Minister David Cameron did the standard condemned the violence speech but tacked on the protestors maybe in the right.

He said:

“Clearly, when you have people who have grievances and problems that want them responded to, it’s in all our interests that these countries have stronger rule of law, stronger rights, stronger democracy. But the argument I would make is I think in the past sometimes we in the West have taken a rather simple view that what matters is just the act of holding an election. Real democracy is about the building blocks you put in place about the rule of law, the rights, the strength of your civil society, the freedoms you have in that country.”

David Cameron is leader of corrupt Britain which will be experiencing civil unrest as it did in the 80’s.

The gap between rich and poor is starting to stretch to breaking point because whole generations are denied a future managed by a small unaccountable political and social clique.

We recent saw the students; we will be seeing others as other sections of the community.

But he wouldn’t be saying:

‘Clearly, when you have people who have grievances and problems that want them responded to, it’s in all our interests that Britain has stronger rule of law, stronger rights, stronger democracy.”

He wouldn’t be admitting corrupt Britain exists because he is part of it.

It is time that Governments started offering people right up the social ladder a future.

The people of Egypt have spoken out because they have been denied a future, other countries and their people will follow suit.

We need a better political class.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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