Friday, January 14, 2011

‘East Coast Weasel’ Iain Gray starts fight over single National Police Force at Holyrood, throws punches in an empty ring, its done and dusted

Dear All

Say what you like but everyone likes to take the rip roaring piss out of the ‘East Coast Weasel’ Labour MSP Iain Gray because he acts like a bam.

His latest fight is the classic bald men and a comb gunfight over everyone agreeing that there should be a national Police Force (except the Lib Dems).

There is a consultation into whether there should be a single force or several regional ones to replace the existing eight by the Scottish Government.

Why because everyone should get the opportunity to have their point of view heard and the views for and against a single force are wide ranging.

The ‘against’ view is usually a mix of fear and uncertainty.

Once the consultation is finished, we should see it comes out in favour of a single national force.

The case for change is overwhelming.

The Labour Party before Xmas came out in support of a national force; I was two months ahead of Iain Gray by outlining my vision to my party’s national assembly.

Iain Gray was two months behind me.

So, what is he whinging about now, he wants an immediate answer from the Scottish Government on their position.

Does ‘East Coast Weasel’ Iain Gray believe in the public getting the right to comment?

The George Laird view is there will be a national Police Force.

Details need to be filled in on structure and funding issues so that there is no asset stripping.

The new Scottish Police HQ should be at Tulliallan at the Police College.

A new national member’s board should be created as well as retention of local boards taking into account local concerns and accountability.

Members of local boards some of whom co opted to the national board and include external people.

And I would like to see a Holyrood cross party committee formed to act as oversight on the new national bodies such as Police and Fire services as additional scrutiny, standing alone from the Justice Committees.

Next up at FMQ was challenged by Tory leader Annabel Goldie to get a pledge to maintain police numbers from the Scottish Government.

The pledge was given.

Ms Goldie said she would take that assurance “with a pinch of salt” but stopped short of saying 'bullshit' as she was in the Holyrood chamber.

With most mainstream political parties backing a single force with the exception of the Liberal Democrats who are opposed at present, the war is over on the single force issue.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. IainGray4FirstMinisterJanuary 14, 2011 at 5:45 PM

    Just wait Laird, come the election Iain Gray is going to pull fat Eck's arsehole over his heid and roll him out of Bute House.
