Wednesday, December 1, 2010

MP scandal returns to Westminster, 1,574 claims rejected, mortgage payments and first class travel, Jihadi tactics testing IPSA defences

Dear All

Politics is in part all about passionate belief in your cause.

One of the most passionate causes in Westminster over the last 4 years hasn’t been about world poverty, terrorism, global financial situation.

It is MPs expenses!

Closely guarded by Michael Martin the former Commons Speaker who fought to the death to keep Heather Brooke and the rest of us finding out how lovely it is to have access to a fountain of free flowing cash.

Some MPs saw expenses as an extension of their salaries.

The John Lewis list opened a few eyes.

We have had an election which was supposed to draw a line under the debacle.

Now, ‘Son of the Debacle’ is running at Westminster, its business as usual as MPs have submitted more than £115,000 worth of illegitimate expense claims.

‘Tough’ new rules were designed to clean-up the Commons, but MPs have adopted the tactics of the Taliban and have declared their own Jihad against the new Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa).

MPs want a return to the old ways, of excess and greed and lack of transparency.

Some MPs have recently attempted to claim for first class railway travel they're not entitled to, as well as submitted claims for mortgage payments.

And of course 'accidentally' sending in the same bills twice!

So, what is the score with the Westminster Jihadists?

1,574 claims have been rejected by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa) behind the barbwire and landmines.

One MP was refused £338 for a shredder.

You can pick up a Paper Shredder from Asda for about £10!

Another chancer went in with a claim for £1,057 for advertising.

Although there has been some claims denied under the new system, 160 successful appeals against their decisions has been made.

The War in Westminster will continue unabated as MPs and IPSA staff go head to head in close combat.

Labour MP John Mann said of the current system:

“We've ended up in the worst of all possible worlds where we have a body that doesn't particularly do what it was supposed to do. Everything should be out in the open. The more transparency the better. The problem occurs when you try to hide things away. If you want to rebuild confidence it has to be totally transparent. It also means publishing receipts.”

In warfare attacks come in surges and having smelled blood, MPs have retreated to regroup before their next attack; a motion will go before the House of Commons proposing the axing of the current receipts-based system in favour of a daily allowance.

A strategic move to occupy a forward trough position!

MPs can munch away on food provided by expenses, bidding their time before the final battle.

Extermination and replacement with a puppet regime!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Класс, Браво, это просто великолепная мысль
