Friday, December 17, 2010

Gail Sheridan sensationally cleared of perjury, Advocate depute said he made the decision taking into account her "personal circumstances"

Dear All

The wife of former MSP Tommy Sheridan has been cleared of perjury.

Oh my God!

At the present moment Advocate depute Alex Prentice QC must be in tears, his star case is shot to pieces.

In Glaswegian terms, it is called ‘shot to shit’

His career if he doesn’t get a conviction on the remaining accused Tommy Sheridan will be ruined, the man who flunked the Sheridan case.

There will be talk!

Gail Sheridan, 46, was accused of lying to the courts during her husband's successful defamation action against the News of the World in 2006.

Prosecutors have dropped the only remaining charge of making false statements while under oath at the High Court in Glasgow.

Gail can now buy in Xmas supplies and get an extra big Turkey and stuffing, maybe she could invite Alex Prentice round to cheer him up.

And pull a cracker.

Xmas at the Sheridan household is looking better all the time.

Mrs Sheridan was accused of lying as a witness at the Court of Session in Edinburgh by telling the court she had checked both her and her husband's diaries for November 2001 and 2002.

And they had both been at home overnight during every weekend in those months.

She also said she remembered spending every weekend in those months with her husband, Tommy.

Advocate depute Alex Prentice said he made the decision taking into account her "personal circumstances".

She is a mother!!!

And locking up a mother at Xmas after the plod kicking in the Sheridan front door wouldn’t sit well with the jury.

The News of the World may come along and ask for an interview since they might have to kiss and make up, £200,000 in readies wouldn’t go amiss plus cash for a future interview.

Last month, the Crown dropped several other allegations against Mrs Sheridan and her husband but Tommy Sheridan still faces one charge of perjury.

Now, Alex Prentice QC will have to fight on with Gail Sheridan sitting behind him in the Court Room, reminding the jury by her presence that she was innocent.

A powerful image because the jury will definitely be looking over at her thinking she is innocent what about her husband?

Alex Prentice will be getting up out of his chair for the final round, mano a mano.

Prentice vs. Sheridan!

Does he have one last punch left?

The trial continues and Gail Sheridan is walking on air.

I was thinking not proven but given recent events the jury might go not guilty!

Just in time for Xmas, there is a movie, a panto and a musical in this trial waiting to be developed by some bright spark.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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