Saturday, November 6, 2010

Muslim Hate preacher Abu Hamza wins human rights bid to stop British government stripping him of UK passport, deport him to America for trial

Dear All

The law doesn’t work properly because Britain is a morally corrupt country.

Muslim Hate preacher Abu Hamza has won his appeal against the Government's attempts to strip him of his British passport.

The radical cleric argued that stripping him of his British Passport would make him ‘stateless' because he has already been stripped of his Egyptian citizenship.

A Special Immigration Appeals Commission allowed his appeal and sent out their reason in its 12-page ruling.

Abu Hamza acquired a British passport through marriage is serving seven years in maximum security Belmarsh Prison after being convicted for inciting murder and racial hatred in 2006.

Human Rights Law works the problem in this country is people like him who clearly are a danger to the state circumvent it.

So how do you solve a problem like Abu Hamza?

Give him to the Americans; they want him for extradition to ADX Florence, a so-called 'supermax' prison in Fremont County, Colorado.

They want him on an 11-count indictment raised in Manhattan federal court.

If the American extradition fails, Abu Hamza could serve his sentence and be let out of prison to start up promoting terrorism again.

Ordinary working class people cannot get justice in Britain but terrorists can get special treatment!

The TaxPayers' Alliance estimates father-of-eight Hamza has so far cost Britain £2.75 million in welfare payments, council housing, NHS and prison bills, trials and legal appeals.

On 28 May 2009, three of his sons were jailed at Southwark Crown Court for a two-year fraud involving stolen cars. Hamza Kamel, aged 22 and Mohamed Mostafa, aged 27 (both from Acton, London) ran the scam operation with Abu Hamza's stepson Mohssin Ghailam, aged 28. Four other men were jailed on related charges.

In July 2010 in was reported that another son, Yasser Kamel aged 20, was sentenced to 12 months in youth detention after pleading guilty to one count of violent disorder at anti-Israel protests in January 2009.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. He is wanted on terrorism charges in the US as Mr. Laird says, deport him.

  2. IainGray4FirstMinisterNovember 7, 2010 at 5:49 PM


    What does it say that Nicola Sturgeon has 'ring fenced' the health budget to try and save herself from election defeat in May 2011? Why should the whole of Scotland suffer because she helped a two time benefit cheat Abdul Rauf who stole thousands of pounds? This will not help her, the people of Glasgow Southside will never vote SNP. When she loses what will it say that the "future" leader of the SNP cannot win a seat in Glasgow? It says she is finished in the minds of the Glasgow people as a politicial force.

  3. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, their cohorts and associates are wanted for crimes against humanity and war crimes... What about them? Pay them millions of funny money?

  4. Abu wotsits looks 'fetching' in that pic. I'd have employed cameroon bars photo professional. After the waistmonster pays the bill.
