Friday, November 19, 2010

Jury hears ‘Weakness of the flesh’ in Tommy Sheridan Trial, witness says Sheridan spilled his guts in Uni Staff Canteen

Dear All

The hit trial of Tommy Sheridan heats up as ‘weakness of the flesh’ is now put to the jury for their consideration.

The ‘Weakness of the flesh’ in question is shagging.

Dr Nicholas McKerrell, a law lecturer at Glasgow Caledonian University takes the stand to enter into evidence that Tommy Sheridan told him that he had visited a sex club.

It is alleged that Sheridan coughed out this admission during a meeting in the staff canteen at his work, sometime in February 2005.

The two met down the university when Sheridan turned up with his sister and McKerrell alleges that only the two men went inside.

McKerrell said:

“When he started the conversation he was quite evasive, not looking me in the eye, looking into his cappuccino”.

Isn’t it amazing that someone from Pollok goes from coffee to cappuccino?

Sheridan is alleged to have started by saying that he wanted to speak about events, then he said: ‘I think you know about things’.

McKerrell added:

“He said: ‘I attended adult clubs in Manchester twice, in 1996 and in 2002.’”

The witness continued:

“And then he said: ‘You know what it’s like, weakness of the flesh.’”

What a remarkable word for word memory that Dr. Nick McKerrell has of this conversation of two people engaged in chit chat.

I wonder if he could be tested to demonstrate this ability.

And did he make any notes at the time and if so when and why?

McKerrell also claimed Sheridan went to the club with News of the World columnist Anvar Khan but opined that she would “never testify” about the experience.

Has he never heard of the old adage, ‘women talk’?

He also raised the book by Anvar Khan described as a Sex and the City-style diary of her private life. In the book Sheridan is alleged called Patrick.

Alex Prentice, advocate depute QC said:

“Did he say anything else?”

The witness replied:

“He was preparing legal action; there was no way that Anvar Khan would testify. He ranted quite considerably about Carolyn Leckie [a former MSP]. That was the only time that he lost any semblance of control.”

Is there anyone who remembers Sheridan losing control in the staff canteen?

Someone who backs up McKerrell’s version of events?

Mr Prentice continued:

“Did you have a view about the impact on the party?”

McKerrell replied:

“I said that it was very damaging, that he was embarking on a reckless course of action that would destroy the work that the SSP had done over the past seven years”

Prentice said:

“Did you tell him that?”

McKerrell replied:


The Sheridan had his pitch at cross-examination of McKerrell which was a bad tempered exchange.

He asked McKerrell if he was a Marxist.

McKerrell said:

“That is a McCarthyite question … it’s a witchunting question to ask a socialist.”

Sheridan continued:

“Do you believe in God?”

The witness said he did not, to which Sheridan asked how he could swear on an oath in court if he did not believe in God.

Petty pointing scoring by Sheridan will not help his case.

Sheridan said:

“You have given evidence after swearing on a God that you don’t believe in.”

Sheridan continued:

“You have come here today not to tell the truth, you have come here to support the rump of your political party.”

McKerrell said:

“I find that a professional slur on me as a law lecturer who trains the future solicitors and advocates in this country. How could I look them in the eye if if was guilty of such a deceit?”

Sheridan said that was a matter for him to deal with.

I think McKerrell’s tack of using his position as a proof of his integrity won’t find much favour.

This piece of nonsense by McKerrell reminds me of the movie ‘IF’.

In one scene, a Prefect points at a crest on his jumper and says:

“I serve the nation”.

To which Malcolm McDowell replies:

“That bit of wool on your tit!”

My experience of Glasgow University senior management staff who was involved in bullying and criminal fraud leads me to doubt the notion that paid university employment is a hindrance to lying or crime.

You can read how countless Glasgow University senior management staff where involved in crime here including the current Principal Anton Muscatelli who covered up the fraud of others by refusing to act.

The trial continues.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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